Hello Everyone. Im New & Like to Chat

Hello @Linn and welcome. My apologies for being late to reply as I seldom trawl down the topic list below about a few days old.
I look forward to seeing you active in here :+1:

Good morning Linn and welcome!
Yet another apology for a late reply as I’ve been absent from the forum for a little while. Be warned, nonattendance incurs a hefty fine. I’ve sent Azz a cheque in the post :wink:

Seriously though, it’s great to have you on board, enjoy! :+1:

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Welcome Linn!

Hi, some folks like chatting, they ain’t so keen on typing :smile:

Another Welcome from me, Linn.
Sorry I missed seeing your initial post.
I hope you are settling in here. Look forward to seeing you around the forums.
Have fun!

Hello and welcome. I do too, like chatting :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

A Bus Stop is the best place for that :grin: