Hedgehogs - have you seen any recently?

What? No sunroom?
That’s so cute Nicol.
Good job.

The faces of hedgehogs are so cute. :smiley:

I haven’t seen one for ages :frowning:

Nicol, that is virtually identical to the one I have, but it’s not home made. Very well done to you. Is that roofing felt it’s covered with ?

I have covered the top of mine with a plastic sheeting and placed a number of conifer branches and logs on top. Just to give it a bit of secrecy and extra protection through the winter, although I am not sure it will make any difference. Hedgehogs have visited my box, but I really don’t know if they have taken to using it now. They are still coming for food every night, but my suspicions that there might be at least one taking up residence in my garage. Damn, I was hoping to clear that out before winter. :lol:
Good luck with your little ones.

Do remember 20 years ago at night they would run over the road and would see dead ones the next day.

Have not seen one for years.

But on my allotment I put a pile of rubbish over the summer and I have to burn it around Guy Folks night but I always move it before I burn it just incase a hedgehog has made a nest in it

Was that taken in daytime TessA. or with flash ?
I hope it was flash, as I don’t think they should be out during the day , it’s usually an indication that they are sick.

forgot to quote.

Yes, I can, TessA.
Good idea to use a bread bin.
Looks like a flash to me.

Yes, it’s covered in roofing felt as I only used scrap wood, mostly chipboard and MDF, neither of which are weatherproof or suitable for waterproofing.

And you have to be careful what stain/waterproofing you use as most oil based ones are toxic to the hogs.

The new hog house is supposed to be arriving today which is just as well as we’re due for some much colder weather at the end of the week I think.

Thank you all for your kind words regarding my handiwork, it was during the making of this hoghouse that I managed to drill through my finger :shock: There was literally blood, sweat and tears (and a few swear words) :smiley:

New Hog House has arrived.

It was at night, I shone a light on it I think as my phone flash doesn’t give good photos, can’t remember .

That’s what I do, I hold a torch up high and point is slightly downwards, you get to see the hog without startling it.

TessA ,When I looked again, it did seem like flash. Thanks.

Nicol, you are well into your hedgehogs, maybe you will have a nursery next spring.

Maybe you and TessA would like to become a ‘Hedgehog Champion’ ?

There are at least 3 Hogs visiting my garden now.

I checked the hoghouse one day last week and at that time there were 2 in there asleep although one has now moved on somewhere else, but the smallest one is still in there.

The other night I took this photo of 2 large hogs at the lower feeding station…

While they were busy eating I had a quick look in the hoghouse and there was still one in there (the smaller hog) just waking up and coming out to look for grub :001:

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That’s great news, we have them in our garden and I made a feeding station to put the dried puppy food in and water just outside.also made 2 hidden places so that they can sleep in with house bricks and 2 roof tiles. I put a lot of leaves over the top and sticks. Also bedding material inside

Oh Logan, I’d forgotten all about this thread - it’s so long ago! :grinning:

Good for you - do you have some every year?
I never saw that hog again. I’m still struggling knowing how it could have got in, and presumably left.

Weirdly, a couple of weeks ago, (or it might have been last week, another memory fail), I found some poo which looked suspiciously like hedgehog poo. Black, sturdy with bits in and what looked like chewed hay or maybe straw. It’s a real mystery how it got there if it is a hog…

I’ve been seeing a lot of different poos on my lawn or path (which always seems to be by the front door). I do wish I could recognise which animals do what sort of poo. I’ve tried to do a reccie several times online, but it never seems ‘just the right kind’.

But I’m off topic on my own thread. Bad girl Pesta. (slaps wrist)

Still, I don’t mind if no one else does :joy:

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So sorry @Pesta I’ve forgotten about this thread also but i can find my way around on here now. The poo can be different sizes but usually it’s black but it all depends on what they eat.
If it’s tiny then they could be very young hogs.
Still getting them here but soon they should hibernate, I’ve made 3 houses at the back of the garden and i think one is in one of them. I put some hay down and some of it went in.

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Aaah Logan, you lucky devil you! :grinning:
I’m surprised you get them with the dogs being around.

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Saw a pair back in the spring but no sign of or even their droppings since.

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I haven’t seen a hedgehog for years unfortunately.

Many years ago we used to have one come into the garden regularly.

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The dogs don’t go out in the garden but they have 4 walks a day each so they’re happy just to rest in the house.

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