Healthier Food Alternatives

Annie you may well be right
All the white stuff you mention I have already cut out and luckily I love sweet potatoes .
The birds can have the rest of the gluten free loaf those rooks have strong stomachs!.


Fair enough, no point in eating foods that disagree with you.

A day without meat is a day without joy.

Personally I think the worst thing in the modern diet is sugar so, as much as I like things like ice cream, I do try to cut out as much sugar as possible after reading this book many years ago.

I did a food journal for a year and found that dairy and meat products don’t agree with me, so I’ve been a dietary vegan for many years.

As an aside, I’ve enjoyed your posts in this thread. Welcome to the forum, Jacky! If you’re interested, you could start a thread in the introductions section.

Just hit the orange New Thread button.

I’m happy you’re here and would love to hear more about you. :slight_smile:

Particularly hidden sugar in savoury foods etc.

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It doesn’t half make your food taste good though. I’ve eaten copious amounts of sugar my whole life, and there’s nothing wrong with me…
Incidentally Bruce, we are going to call in at a Greggs for a sandwich at lunchtime and the that picture of the doughnut with the hundreds and thousands on looks exactly like the one I usually choose…
I must say though, I am trying to cut down on the cakes and biscuits. I very rarely eat crisps or drink fizzy, sugary drinks. I eat plenty of fish and veg, but never been too keen on fruit except an apple every day.

That must be the secret. An apple a day. . .

Nature’s health food.

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I agree with your comments whole heartedly. After two years of research and watching hundreds of hours of health videos, I have come to similar conclusions as your hands on research.
Longevity has a lot to do with the genes we were given.
Processed food is a killer no matter how you look at it - sugar, inflammatory oils and lots of chemicals.
Carbohydrates - all those white things you mentioned - depends if you need to lose weight or not, if not then eat the ones that are more nutrious dense. This would not include sugar. Gluten / wheat - this really depends upon the individual and how they respond to cereal grains. For me I find cereal grain addictive and inflammatory. I can eat rice, potatoes and sweet potatoes in small quantities.
Meat - I try to get grass fed where ever possible and stay away from feedlot meat.

And your right - any diet framework can be unhealthy - meat or vegan - it really depends on your choices. Personall I prefer meat and veggies and good quality oils. With some berries and a little yogurt for dessert. Nuts for a snack.

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