Have you ever danced "The Twist"?

Yes,but not in public.

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Of course I did, in my youth. Lots of times.

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I’ve had a go a few times!
Gently these days. :smiling_face:

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The best Bretrick


No, I used to see it when I was at the dancing, and thought OMG if they only knew what they looked like.

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Yes, the twist and the jive.
A lad once asked me if I could teach him to jive
I thought he said drive, so I turned up with L plates and asked him to tell me how much he already knew… ! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I love Shuffle Dancing been doing it for years BUT, only round the kitchen. I use an old Elvis track (re-mixed) for it as it’s great to dance to. “His Latest Flame.”


I might have done a bit of twisting when I was younger … and drunk.


Love it. I think I have seen most of the videos available on line.
The music to me is mesmerising.

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Lots of Practice …guess over years, even.


It’s Motown that weren’t the hits. :grinning:

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Alas dancing (and running) is out for me since my back operations, I would just fall over.

Crying Too Much Smiley

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I had back surgery in 1987 and since then my back has been almost pain free…so I can even do this… :rofl:


Is there something you’re trying to tell us ? :wink:

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Yep… :100:

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It’s not the pain that stops me but the nerve damage, I have limited control over my left ankle. I only discovered it after the first op, I was playing with my daughter, went to race her and immediately fell over, much to everybody’s surprise.

I could still ride my bike but had to use the pedal in the arch of my foot rather than the ball. It doesn’t really affect me much as long as I remember my limitations.

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Understand as I had a disectomy and had the spine channel widened to ease it away from the nerves…My nerve issue was the most painful experience for a whole year before they actually took it seriously…Then it was all action and I dreaded going into Atkinson Morley Specialist Hospital around Wimbledon…
…but I did and still have some numbness but the micro surgery that I had was 110% successful. Not everybody’s weakness’s can be sorted, I am aware of that. I had suffered on and off from the age of 13/14 yrs of age…Approx 39 years old when the op was done…

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That’s what I had too - micro endoscopic disectomy. The first was done nearly 25 years ago followed by two more in relatively quick succession. So far so good but the original nerve damage caused by the bulging disc was permanent unfotunately

Ironically yesterday it played up and I took one of my oxycontin but I have some more lifting to do over the weekend so I might be in for a rough patch

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Those lightweight like a corset contraptions are useful to wear when you know your pushing your luck…
the video is good because she tells you how to use them etc…

I don’t hardly ever need mine but I would not be with out one either as there are times when we push ourselves just a tad too far…

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With mine the ‘disk’ had actually crumbled into small pieces, so in fact bits could move/float about within my spinal column…thus causing a sudden raging pain that would be felt in the buttocks and calf. The body attacks those kind of injuries and that causes the ‘bits’ to enlarge or even break down further. Sometimes the body naturally works against you and there ain’t much you can do to help yourself then…Surgery becomes the only option sometimes.

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