Happiness ratings by country in Europe

Countries like the UK and US base their goals on GDP and productivity then wonder why there’s so much greed and corruption in the country.

I’m interested in New Zealand’s happiness index, which originated in Bhutan, and how that could be translated to other countries.

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happiness is a complex state - are or where the Innuits happy on the icecaps hunting seals and living in igloos before the west stepped in? - where the Aborigines happy living in the deserts of Oz before their lifestyle was invaded? - measuring happiness across many cultures seems fruitless and impossible perhaps?

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Statisticians need jobs I guess - so keeps them happy perhaps

or maybe I’ve got it wrong remember boyo Maslow with his needs triangle from basic to complex. Well we all need some kind of shelter, sometimes warmth and food - sometimes a little lovin and a good social jambaree sometimes? - mind you sitting in a flat tappin away on a pc doesn’t always fit the bill?

maslows triangle