I am reading these poems and smiling a lot
thinking these posters don’t give a jot
they write what they feel and it comes out fine
words tumbling out, line by line
Hoping they keep us all asmile
even though it may be just a little while
when another creation comes sneaking in
and brings with it another grin
Great stuff Heatherbelle. Welcome to where you can be yourself and scribble down whenever comes into your mind, some of us are a bit crackers but otherwise quite harmless. Looking forward to hearing a lot more from you.
Where would you hear it only in Dublin. The wife is flicking through the channels on TV while I’m reading the newspaper, she turns to me and hands me the remote, and I kid you not, these are her exact words “Here Jimmy, you can put on anything you like, there’s nothing on”
It’s the little things in life that crack me up.
Changing tack just a tad…what things REALLY p*ss you off?
I may be considered old,cranky,pedantic etc…but shopping for a few bits,then going to a paypoint labelled ‘Ten items or less’ just REALLY annoys me! It’s ‘ten items or FEWER’,ffs!
Then,at work,when I’m driving an abnormal load escorted by brightly illuminated escort vehicles,I have to do an emergency controlled stop because some sht-for-brains has TOTALLY ignored the forward escort and come past it…only to meet me,on an s-bend,driving a load 14’6" wide and 46’ long…and starts bouncing his chin about how I’ll have to back up!!! Yet,when I gave the prat the chance to ‘discuss’ it mono-e-mono…he was suddenly in reverse!!! SPINELESS TURD! Thank God for radio comms-if H hadn’t been able to yell a warning,that prck’d be dead now,as we met RIGHT on the apex of a 90’ left-hand bend…and I was taking up all the road due to getting the tail round…grrr!
Ok-yes,grumpy old fart,etc…but I do this for a living,and you just would not credit how many people ignore escort vehicles,then WHINGE,when they find themselves trapped! Can’t get by,nowhere to pull in,can’t reverse…and they blame ME!!!
ok;I’ve had my ‘grrr’…so,what really gets YOUR goat?
standing in a small town grocery store behind a customer who is not only having buying contents checked through but also having a long conversation with the check out girl [it’s always a girl!] and holding the rest of us up.
I stood in a booze queue the other day and two ‘individuals’ who sounded a bit drunk anyway were buying $165 of booze - the lady passed through her card - not accepted - they removed one item of booze - passed again - not accepted finished up returning to two 24 packs of beer to the shelves and taking the two half bottles of spirits - we all stood there watching and fuming - but one needs to use meditation!!
I do sympathise Pug, the frustrations of the long distance driver are not to underestimated, not to worry retirement waits for you at the end of the rainbow, and a croc full of peace of mind, much more valuable than gold.
Not being a driver of any description meself I get annoyed when the drivers in the family complain about the heavy traffic, and they sitting in the middle of it, know what I mean?
I’ll be missing from the forum for a week or two, the wife’s brother is not too well, he’s on his own now and living in Wexford, she wants to be with him for a while before he gets any worse, so we’re heading down there later today.
Behave yourselves in the meantime.;-)
With ‘that time of year’ being forced on you at every possible financial reason that can be thought of, shopping becomes a marathon mental task for those that just want their daily bread and milk. Rather than cope with waiting behind siege mentality shoppers who have to stock up for every eventuality that could happen in the one day that shops actually shut, we have to adopt various strategies to overcome this ever increasing annual phenomenon
Our shopping gets earlier and then earlier, which the closer we get to ‘that time of the year’ ends up sneaking out at dawn so you can be first for the doors opening. This in turn becomes a battle of wills between you and the store Hitler who has the power to open those doors. You check your watch, he checks his and seconds are slowly irritatingly counted down. Problem there is, watches tell different times.
And just when you think you have cracked it to get in and out…there will be someone in front of you with the obligatory items and fifty thousand money off coupons that they have been saving for ‘that time of year’ :shock:
Indeed it was a much loved and long awaited event, which because there is now only a couple of months apart from one xmas to the next, it has now been commercially spoiled.
Mind you I have learnt to cherish those few months in-between
Of course men are really in charge. I’m in charge of being bullied by my wife. I’m also in charge of having to eat dinners I don’t particularly like, putting the toilet seat down when it’s more convenient left up and mowing the lawn, whether I think it needs it or not, and…