As someone who never watches any type of cookery programme, I don’t have too much input. However, this Wallace character, him with the leery look of a serial killer, I’m rather pleased he’s got his just desserts, no pun intended!
Not a chef, formerly a greengrocer. The bbc have a problem with excessively conceited males, of a certain age. Ainsley Harriett a good replacement, interested in people but more importantly cookery. Even though he is 67 not so up himself, cheerful, humourous and knowledgeable. Thinking he might be considered too old.
I think the only TV personality I ever liked was Terry Wogan.
The production company looked for and hired a cheeky chappie with Greg Wallace being the result. If they had wanted meek and mild then they would have hired someone along the lines of a news reader. It could have been worse; Mike Reid would have probably been hired if he had survived.
As far as the allegations are concerned he was just being cheeky?
I have watched MasterChef since it first started I can’t stand Greg Wallace and often wondered what he was doing on the programme .
I have often noticed him making inappropriate comments and hate the silly faces he pulls when getting a reply from a contestant about their menu eg wide open mouth like a drowning fish .
After seeing the ghost writer to his book speaking on Newsnight I think he should be dropped from the programme. How many men would arrange for a business meeting at their house then answer the door in a towel and when requested by the embarrassed women to get dressed drop the towel and say his trousers were behind a cushion near where she was sitting . And at another business meeting at a meal he suggest she slept with him and where she might like to eat her desert off.
The poor woman, a single mother was contracted to write the book and had signed a none discloser agreement all of which GW knew and she risked losing work by speaking out. I had a horrible experience with a powerful man when 16 and dared not speak out for fear of losing my job, I am glad women are speaking out now,
Greg does seem to have more than his fair share of testosterone, and at first I thought what does a greengrocer know about food. But after watching Master Chef the Professionals (the only one I watch) I realise that he is very knowledgeable about food and he does add something watchable to the master chef programmes with his sometimes daring comments. I fear that to take him out, the magic that keeps me interested will be lost, I think he also presents well on ‘Inside the Factory’.
Obviously that’s just my opinion and who’s perfect?
All mouth and trousers.
I’m at a loss to believe that FOUR women, were crazy enough to marry him! Ok, I know that he has a bit of dosh, but goodness me, looks wise, he gives poor old Quasimodo, a run for his money!
They say bald blokes are the most virile John…
I’m afraid Foxy, “Groper Gregg”, has given slap heads everywhere, a really hard time!
I don’t think being disrespectful to women, a general pain in the ass and virility are necessarily the same thing. But there may be some women out there that enjoy it, they are complicated creatures.
A smarmy individual imo.
It has been suggested that Greg Wallace was Autistic…
Sorry Foxy, that doesn’t hold water as far as I’m concerned.
Lots of people are autistic:
Mozart, Bob Dylan, John Denver, Charles Darwin, George Orwell, Jane Austen, Henry Ford, Elon Musk, Anthony Hopkins, Bill Gates, Michelangelo, Isaac Newton, Leonardo da Vinci, Van Gogh, Steven Spielberg, Alfred Hitchcock etc
It’s no excuse for behaving badly.
Well it wouldn’t do for me either Chilli, but how many of those hero’s that d00d mentioned have been naughty with the fairer sex. Perhaps it was more accepted in those days.
I had no idea it was so common d00d. ‘Rainman’ seemed such a rare occurrence…
The lot of them, for all I know.
I don’t know what Gregg Wallace is supposed to have said or done exactly, but possibly nothing more than what was regarded as borderline acceptable 20 or 30 years ago. He has trouble keeping up?
Autism is a subject in it’s own right Foxy, it manifests itself in many ways, hence the spectrum.
I feel myself veering off topic so I’ll save this one for another time