Great Guitarist's

The Edge

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Not a great perhaps but pretty useful.Andy Summers
Here he is with the Animals:

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I’m chuckling here, I haven’t been here for months and STILL that damn apostrophe in Guitarist’s hasn’t been removed!!
Incredibly slack of Admin, come on guys shape up, sort it for pity’s sakes! :rofl:


Problem is ruthio that ‘computer he say no’, that title cannot be changed by deleting the apostrophe,
I’ve just tried twice. Perhaps someone with a higher status than TL3 can do this as I cannot.

Azz where are you?
:thinking: :grinning:

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Incredible!! Such a simple thing! :rofl:

Willie Nelson

Yes it is, to us but computers more often than not haven’t any common sense! When I tried to amend the title a message showed indicating something like letters in some words are repeated and this title is similar to another!

Another word comes to mind though – computer gobbledygook, or as I often say with computer programs – ‘rubbish in, rubbish out’!
:upside_down_face: :grinning:


Ah well, we tried :innocent:

We just have to imagine it says Great Guitarists :+1: :rofl:

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Good idea. I will not lose too much sleep over it, for some reason that particular
error is very common and seen all over the place, OFC included.

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I really don’t give a hoot to errors…somethings seem too petty for me right now.
I hope people just post stuff of interest really.
People making chit chats to each others posts, and generally make it a nice place to spend some time…



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What a special version that is…
Had missed that one…thx

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Have you heard this version…


Hi Di

No I haven’t until now…so much music …so little time :laughing:.thks

So much time, so little music, that’s a sure sign of ageing. :grin:

I have always got time for music it keeps me alive, anything thing else is in a queue… :guitar:

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What about New Musik?