back to Kazz’s idea, signing out early
Good night
back to Kazz’s idea, signing out early
Good night
What about the Khazi idea?
good night
Well my idea was that good after the walking group last night came home and fell asleep…so for tonight I say Goodnight to you all.
Liberties are being taken on this tread.
Goodnight All.
Dont tread on me!
carefull what you tread in
Treading carefuly and saying “Goodnight all”
following in your foot steps, good night
Tracking those footprints…good night
Goodnight All
is this early enough, good night, footsteps Kazz
Goodnight to you all.
Its hard setting a goodnight threshold (Time wise) when you are dealing with so many old people
An old fashioned Goodnight All
looks like everyone in bed, good night
Not necessarily