Goodnight! (Part 2)

What are nightmares to some are sweet dreams to others.

Goodnight everyone, sweet dreams.

Goodnight All.

Whatever the dream status :smile:

good night, happy nightmares

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I was thinking "oh its so early " but then I realised this is the new bedtime now…!

Its the Faffers bedtime, they even Faff in dreamland :grin: :icon_wink:

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Dreamy faffing…sounds like a 1970’s dessert! :smiley:

Good night to all when you go.

Goodnight All

Who knows what is going to happen!!

did it happen

Goodnight everyone, sweet dreams

Sorry for my absence last night out late.

Don’t apologize.

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Goodnight All.

Good night, sleep well.

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Goodnight everyone, sweet dreams.

Goodnight All.

Early start tomorrow.

Goodnight All, what he said :smile:

Must be tired, as I don’t know what who said…

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Goodnight everyone, sweet dreams

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Goodnight All.

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