Goodnight! (Part 1)

My yawns are getting the better of me so it’s time to say ‘goodnight’ to those of you still here.

Pleasant dreams everyone!

Night, Mags, been fun on the Games. Sleep well!! :smiley:

I’m feeling extra tired tonight for some reason, so I’ll be off too…sorry Eileen :058:

Goodnight all and sweet dreams. :smiley:

The fire is dying out and it’s time for bed, there’s a wind starting to build up and it’s raining again, a lot to do tomorrow so I’ll be off, goodnight all and happy dreams.

Oh well, dinner is almost ready now anyhow; no one to play with later; I’ll work on the crossword. Sleep well, all, pleasant dreams. m:D

I better go to bed in case I get meself into any more trouble.
Goodnight all and happy dreams.

The clock rolls round again, time for my bed!:smiley:

Goodnight all, snuggle under the duvet and keep warm … pleasant dreams…

Nite Jem, sleep well…:slight_smile:

Goodnight Mags & Jem sleep well. :smiley:

Feeling sleepy, so I’ll sign off now…goodnight all have a good one :slight_smile:

Hope you enjoyed your dinner Eileen :smiley:

Night, Jem,Mags, Berxer, sleep well! Yes, thanks, dinner was good. Fortunately, I like my own cooking! :smiley:

Off to my bed now as my eyes are slowly closing, so goodnight one and all and sleep well…

Goodnight Merz, sleep well! :slight_smile:

Night, merz, better day tomorrow!

Time for my bed also so I’ll bid you all goodnight and pleasant dreams … tomorrow is another day!:smiley:

Night night Merz and Mags…sleep tight :smiley:

Signing off now…will leave the night shift for those across the pond :smiley:

Goodnight all, sweet dreams :slight_smile:

This Across-the-Ponder has updated all her posts and is going to go get a nice cold beer and settle down with my book and Leia. Night, friends all, sleep well, pleasant dreams. "D

Goodnight all! Sleep well, pleasant dreams, chat tomorrow…

There’s nothing on the TV so I’m off to bed early, busy day tomorrow. I wish you all a restful night and happy dreams, goodnight.

Nite Jem … sleep tight:-)