Goodnight! (Part 1)

Good night everyone

Good night everyone of you.


Goodnight All.

Goodnight All.

The last good night in the month…


And December will flash by our eyes before we even noticed RightNow…

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Yes sorry for my absence I was out last night but yes Goodbye November you’ve been a pal.

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Goodnight all sleep well

Had a cracking day a cousins Pre Christmas meal, smashing food and brilliant company most of all family.

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Goodnight All.

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A good night to good people here.

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Goodnight people sleep well

Goodnight Kazz, and Spitty and RightNow when they look in…
Eyes have gone so it’s time for bed…

Goodnight Kazz, brummies rule Ok :grin:

You should have gone to Specsavers Foxy :smiley:

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warm and cozy
Good night Foxy, Spittie, and Kazz…and the rest of you all.

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Goodnight All.

And too all a goodnight…

Goodnight All.

About 18 days I think :smiley:

Goodnight All.

Okay you have lost me 18 days of what? or until what?