Goodnight! (Part 1)

Goodnight All, time to recharge… :icon_wink:

Goodnight Ya All. the tosh stops here :laughing:

@spitfire …night Spitty … sleep well.

Hey! Just cos you think no one reads this thread … :face_with_hand_over_mouth: cheeky whelp!

Well …it was Goodnight from Him and now it’s Goodnight from Me.

And to the little box that just popped up saying
Consider replying to several posts at once
And Goodnight to Him too.


Goodnight Spitty and Morty, and anyone who wandered in here by mistake…
Tiredness has overcome the Fox…

Goodnight Foxy, don’t let the whelps bite :icon_wink:

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Goodnight All, not sure where sleep will take anyone. :grin:

@OldGreyFox@spitfire …night lads.
Curl up tight, don’t let the bugs bite.

And the same to anyone else who peeps in.

Good.They’ve gone at last,now I can do whatever I like. Um… :thinking:


perhaps you can switch the light off, burning money thee knows

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Hey I heard that!
@Eliza … you get him to behave

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where should i slap him , ive got a wet glove…


:laughing: I don’t know but my eyes are stinging just thinking about it.


I could do that.I’m doing it all the time in this house.It’s like Blackpool Illuminations here some days.

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Ok, Goodnight All, got to leave something for tomorrow :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:.
The Bomber is fully charged :icon_wink:

Night Bomber … keep your load airborne.

I have no idea what I mean by that but it sounds good and meaningful :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Sleep well everyone

(I forgot)

The 'Bomber is a bike Morty, Spitty’s planning an expedition today…
Enjoy Spitty…
:+1: :biking_man:

Two plus Two on the trot, err on the side of caution. :smiley: