Goodnight! (Part 1)

Goodnight All, try not to sadden the world.

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Goodnight All, life is tricky.

Goodnight All, so be it.

Goodnight All. Stuck in deja vous again, got to ignore the numbers this time. :grinning: :icon_wink:

Goodnight All, let’s hope the weather isn’t harsh tomorrow.

Good night and God bless you all

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God help us all, morelike. @Kazz .

Goodnight to each and everyone of you. For tomorrow is the third day (or it might be Monday, but who cares about petty details) and our Messiah may once again arise to lead us to the promised land. Doubt ye not, my Thomases, for the beast has been cast asunder, and the way paved with gold and myrrh,…

Get the drums and tamborines ready. Altogether now, sing, sing, sing!!

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Boris,…

Oh Heck!..

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Goodnight All

Goodnight has moved into the day, so be it, so much has become so uncertain of late. :grinning:

Night all

Good Night.

Goodnight All, Good God, no one has taken up the slack. :laughing: :boxing_glove:

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Goodnight All, is 8 on the trot, uninterrupted a record. :grinning: :boxing_glove:

Well done and goodnight spitty

Off now, gotta check the Van out tomorrwa.

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Goodnight Dex and Spitty and anybody else who accidentally looks in…
Its been a long day and Foxy’s leaving the building…

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Night foxy. Am off to the theatre tomorrow afternoon, which is something to look forward to.

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Operating Theatre?

Nope. Going to the Octagon in Bolton to see Brief Encounter.

I ran the Bolton Piccadilly marathon back in 1987…It was a very poor time 3hours 24 minutes on a very hot day indeed. Only a Sheffield marathon was slower on an even hotter day…

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