Goodnight! (Part 1)

Goodnight All.

Goodnight All.

Goodnight everyone pleasant dreams. :smiley:

Night everyone xx

Goodnight All, its been a busy few days.

Goodnight All, I’m free for the next couple of weeks. :icon_wink:

Goodnight All. :smiley:

Berxer, I ain’t done a bad job with your thread, wherever you are.

More than can be said for the Good Morning shambles.

Back at yer, Goodnight All.

Goodnight All, just days to the decade. :smiley:

Goodnight All.

night spitty and everyone x

Goodnight Ruthio and everyone else. :smiley:

My God Jem, given that you are Jem, and Ruthio is Ruthio, I must be everyone else, simples. :smiley:

Goodnight All.

night spitty and jem and all, I wonder what tomorrow will bring (apart from Kevin the Carpet Cleaner) xx

Ruthio is an old friend from the old days, speaks her mind and likes a laugh, I love that. :smiley:

Here’s a special goodnight for you Spitty seeing you are the thread caretaker, and a very successful job you’ve made of it too.

He won’t sleep well if he don’t say goodnight all
But he’s as reliable as a red brick wall
The habit is there in the back off his head
So he’s doomed to say goodnight before he goes to bed. :wink: :smiley:

oooooo I say Jem, that was nice to read xx
I think I shall go on a Crusade to get all those miserable old crocks to say goodnight, it’s only polite after all.
Night all, sleep well :sleeping: :blush: :kissing_heart:

Jem, I’ve done a job
Never been a Slob
Always missed Bob
Not about to sob

Goodnight All, that’s cleared my head :smiley:, try not to get aghast in August. :laughing:

Goodnight All.