Goodnight! (Part 1)

Goodnight all,sweet dreams.

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Goodnight folks, pleasant dreams. :smiley:

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Do owners of Shotguns have Pheasant Dreams?

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I don’t know…but I bet they say “Good Fright” :joy:

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Do owners of 24 hour stud farms have night mares? :wink:
Goodnight everyone. :smiley:

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Goodnight everyone,sweet dreams

Big storm on the way tonight, they call this one “Barra” after Molly Malone I presume, “She wheels her wheel barra…” :smiley:
So it’s up with the shutters and down with the hatches.
Goodnight folks. :smiley:


Goodnight everyone,sleep tight .


I’m off too…Goodnight :wave:


Night Roj …night Pixie … sleep well


Plenty of storm damage done here, most of it on the west coast, 50,000 without power, but to give the repair crews credit they don’t be long about setting things right again, well done lads and lassies, we’d be lost without you.
It’s on it’s wild way eastwards now across the Irish sea, I hope it’s kind to you all.

Goodnight all, keep safe. :smiley:



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Goodnight all,sweet dreams.

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Yes I’m away too, G’night…see you tomorrow :wave:

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I’m off to watch some TV with my darling curled up and snuggling together … I’ve been popping in and out of OFF throughout the day thoroughly enjoying myself by putting a bot on ignor after flagging it LOL, but above all else, I’ve enjoyed some great exchanges with friendly members in here … thank you everyone for such an enjoyable day.
Good night and may your guardian angels always watch over you all …:hugs: :wave:


I might be booted out by the time you return. If so (and I hope not and that pwtyn sees sense for a change), it’s a goodnight from me. :blush:


I never knew you could do that.

Night night LD have a relaxing evening with your ‘Darling’

and @Dextrous … are you off then too. Night night.

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I’ll be having an early night tonight, I’m cream crackered.
Goodnight folks, take good care of yourselves. :smiley:

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Goodnight everyone. :smiley: