Goodnight! (Part 1)

Time for me to go now.

Goodnight my friends, sleep tight :smiley: (Funny saying that, don’t know what it’s supposed to mean ‘sleeping tight’ :confused:)

You haven’t put your clock back have you, I’m still up and it’s only 1.30 am. :lol:

Edit- Oh my God the time has come out the same on my post. :lol:

Time for me to clock off once more.:slight_smile:

Goodnight to everyone still here, pleasant dreams!:slight_smile:

Goodnight Mags…sleep well.

Also my bedtime, so goodnight one and all and sleep well…

No one on line to play games with, so I’ll sigh off too with goodnight and pleasant dreams, chat tomorrow.

Night Eileen… see you tomorrow, I’m off now, pleasant dreams :slight_smile:

Goodnight friends hope you have pleasant dreams :slight_smile:

I’d save sworn I said Goodnight last evening, but it’s not there …???

I’m off upstairs now to listen to Jack London’s ‘Sea Wolf’ on audio book.
Goodnight Folks and happy dreams.

Goodnight Jem, enjoy ‘Sea Wolf’ and sleep well…

Goodnight Jem, sleep well…

My hot water bottle is in and my bedsocks are on my feet, so I’ll say goodnight all and sleep well…

You’ve forgotten your nightcap, merz!:smiley:

Nite, nite, sleep well…

Time for me to bid you all goodnight, sleep well folks…

Night, Mags, I’m off to dinner in a few … back to the 5 hour difference since we changed time. Good cooking smells coming from the kitchen! :smiley:

My eyes are feeling sleepy, so it’s time for me to go. Goodnight friends, sleep well. :smiley:

Dinner over, dishes washed, posts answered, so goodnight, everyone, sleepwell! :smiley:

Am going to sign off now as my bed is calling me. so I will say goodnight to all and sleep well…

Remembered the nightcap tonight Mags…well they do say you loose heat out of the top of your head, so between hot water bottle, bed socks and nightcap, I should be warm and cosy in bed - not a pretty sight, but warm :lol: Hope you feel a bit better tomorrow as well…

Goodnight Merz, glad you remembered the nightcap … you’ll be too snug and cosy to get up in the morning!:lol: Sleep well!

Stay warm and snuggled down, merz, pleasant dreams to you and Hatti girl.