Goodnight! (Part 1)

Tiredness has caught up on me so I’ll bid you all goodnight, sleep tight and pleasant dreams all…:slight_smile:

Goodnight Mags, pleasant dreams.

I’m off to bed so I’ll bid you all goodnight and happy dreams Folks.

Goodnight and sweet dreams all :slight_smile:

Night, all, sleep well! :smiley:

Another day over for me-off to my bed, so goodnight all and sleep well…

Good night Merz, pleasant dreams…:slight_smile:

It’s goodnight from me, too … sleep well friends, don’t stay up too late!:slight_smile:

Goodnight Mags, sleep well…promise not to stay up too late ;-):smiley:

Oh, and don’t forget the pumpkin lights :mrgreen:

My turn now… am so full of cold :frowning: so looking forward to getting in bed. Sweet dreams :slight_smile:

Oh no! Poor you :frowning: When I thought I was getting one it didn’t come to anything, I’m sure it was because I’m taking Echinacea . Hope you recover soon. Goodnight and sleep tight. :smiley:

It’s that time again, so goodnight my friends and…

Night, people, no one up late to play with … sleep well, pleasant dreams.

Thanks Carmen, its a little better today, head’s not pounding!! A friend of mine swears by Echinacea. Do you take it all year or just in the winter?

I used to take it when the first signs of a cold appeared, but now I take it regularly during the winter months. :slight_smile:

That’s me away for the night!

Night everyone, sleep tight!:slight_smile:

Time for me to sleep, so…

…and sleep tight :smiley:

Night all, sleep well, chat tomorrow!

no bed for me for 2 hours yet :wink: I stay up late comprd with those wholive in the uk:)

Midnight approaches and I don’t want to turn into a pumpkin!:mrgreen:

Goodnight all, sleep well!:smiley: