Goodnight! (Part 1)

Time to clock off, so goodnight all and sleep well…

I have to go to bed a bit earlier tonight, the optician but some stuff into my eyes today and they feel very tired since I got home, He said he was testing for any eye disease, which thankfully there was none.
Goodnight all you good people.

Time to hit he sack here too… its been a long, difficult and frustrating day. Tomorrow will be better (hows that for a positive attitude )…

May all your dreams be sweet:-)

Goodnight all, sleep well, tomorrow is another day!:smiley:

Time to clock off, sleep well everyone … goodnight!:slight_smile:

well its time for me to go, early shift tomorrow

night all :slight_smile:

I’m off now, nite nite :slight_smile:

Night all from across the Pond … sleep well, pleasant dreams.

Goodnight all…I’ve had a late one tonight :smiley:

Sweet dreams :slight_smile:

I’m off now Folks, I must say these past few weeks I’ve been sleeping soundly, hope it continues, used to be awake half the night. Goodnight all and happy dreams.

Glad you’ve been sleeping well, g’night Jem …sweet dreams :slight_smile:

Time for me to toddle off now … goodnight all, sweet dreams.

Don’t forget to turn the light off, Eileen :wink:

nite jemflux and Mags, sweet dreams :wink:

Perhaps we’re all boring you to sleep :lol:

Goodnight and happy dreams for you too :slight_smile:

Goodnight Mags and sweet dreams :slight_smile:

i have to give in and go to bed :frowning: so i will bid you all good night and look forward to chatting tomorrow

sweet dreams everyone :mrgreen:

'Night night Kitty, sweet dreams :smiley:

Goodnight friends 'tis time for bed, need to rest my sleepy head :mrgreen:

Sweet dreams :smiley:

Night all, sleep well; yes, Mags, will turn the lights off! :smiley:

I’ll bid you all goodnight now … we are off to the coast for the day tomorrow and setting off early.

Pleasant dreams everyone, last one turns the light out! :smiley:

Nite Mags have a good day at the sea side :slight_smile: