Goodnight! (Part 1)

Goodnight everyone, sweet dreams

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Goodnight Kazz and all who follow…

Goodnight everyone, sweet dreams.

Goodnight all.

Sorry for being less regular.

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No problem Spitz, as long as someone is manning (or womaning) the pumps…
I’ve been a bit distracted just lately with the new motor and all…
A few things I’m trying to familiarise myself with, so I’m working my way through the 235 page manual…

Goodnight everyone, sweet dreams.

@spitfire Just becasue you do not post does not mean you are not “goodnighting” LOL

@OldGreyFox Snap man or woman the thread is the main objective

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Thanks Folks, for reducing the pressure.

Goodnight All.

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Goodnight all, sweet dreams. In work for 5am in the morning so early night.

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Goodnight All.

A good ending to yet another relaxing evening…

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Goodnight All.

Goodnight everyone, sweet dreams.

Goodnight All.

Goodnight everyone, sweet dreams

@OldGreyFox Goodnight to you.


Goodnight All.

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Goodnight to each one of you.


Goodnight everyone, sweet dreams

@OldGreyFox Goodnight to you.

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Goodnight All.

Can I steal this one? I love it.

Good night to everyone who is going to sleep now.


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