Good Morrow...

We’ll soon kick that negativity out of you!! :lol:

Welcome to the forum Pug :smiley:

And a warm welcome from Me too :~)

Thank you,Susie. You have my word I’ll TRY not to lower the tone…

Hello, Pug, nice to meet you :slight_smile:

hi pug.

youre not “moon” vapepit are you?.

My apologies greg…that went STRAIGHT over my silver-haired head.
Last time I recall ‘mooning’ was in a bar in Shanghai…well,ok…standing ON a bar in Shanghai.
But that was a different life,a different me…#sigh#

Thus,my word given that I’ll try NOT to lower the tone,y’see.
I really am a most base creature,simple of thought and crude of speech.
God and dogs may love me-but humans tend to avert their eyes as they scurry quickly past…

salright pug,had a subconcious thought you might be someone i know on another forum,dunno why,it just

i look forward to reading your postings heheh.ive already alienated a few i think :wink:

Hi Pug…H


Strange,that. I was at sea with a chap called ‘H’.
The RMS Rothesay Castle. Eight months in close quarters,yet I only ever knew him as ‘H’. Really good bloke,though.