Good morning from the land of indoor camping! Overcast skies here with dead calm conditions. Even the dogs, who love their post-breakfast naps outside, have retreated to the air conditioned spaces.
It’s so nice to read that several of you are enjoying the company of your kids and @SheilaP has a balloon fest to anticipate!
@Margaret, about that escalator, so irritating, isn’t it! I expect that this is temporary and that plenty of walking will help you “reset” your brain and strengthen the neural connections that are associated with balance, coordination, and spatial awareness.I understand this well, having developed a weird and temporary tendency to hesitate stepping on everything from a bath mat to curb steps after tearing my meniscus. It was an irritating “fear” but I pressed ahead and one day I just. noticed that it wasn’t bothering me anymore. If you continue to notice difficulty a physical therapist might help you with some coordination exercise. It sure helped me!
The construction team was here at the crack of dawn, understandably avoiding the heat. They have it down; they do all the outdoor quiet work until 7 a.m., skip lunch, and quit at 2:30, which tends to be the hottest time of the day.
I like the demolition team; I have asked to watch their work closely and they have shown me how to remove a fireplace mantel and how to efficiently remove floor and backsplash tile without breaking anything. Holy cow, I really had to get my back and shoulders into the floor tile removal! I am ever amazed and impressed by the upper body strength of men! Do you guys take that for granted? Amazing, really. Since I can’t buy shoulders, I think my next purchase is going to be a proper respirator…ugh…the dust.
@OGF you know that share your love of exercise but in rare fashion, there is one aspect of you post regarding exercise on which we vehemently disagree…
My day off is Sunday not Wednesday. Hahaha, you thought I was taking that somewhere else, didn’t you! 
Back on track, that is exactly where I went this morning, but was cut short by the arrival of the workers. I loathe running in circles, but didn’t have the time to venture farther.
That’s enough from me; I am off to build a Spotify list to drown out the din…
Have a good day with blackberries, shopping (good to hear about the mobile chair @mart), cupcakes…and all things your way!