Good Morning Wednesday, 22nd January 2025

Good morning gallant folks on this warm (30°), humid morning. The good news is that a Southerly Buster is supposed to come up the coast this arvo. I am not holding my breathe, sure the temp will drop but it will lack the winds associated with a buster. Southerly Busters used to be a regular occurrence in summer but they seem to have disappeared the last few years.

Anyway I am looking forward to the sudden drop in temperature of up to 10°.

Was out early this morning to Bunnings to pick up some bits for my rewiring job.

Bought a proper bracket and a 2 gang horizontal light switch to replace the three gang vertical one. But am currently making a panel out of some old random groove panelling to fill the hole and hide the wiring.

Apart from that I picked up three 4TB Red HDDs for my new(er) NAS from the PO, they will replace some old 3TB drives which in turn will replace some even older 2TB in a different NAS. The process will take a few days because the drives have to rebuild themselves (RAID5) and all that.

Anyway it is all keeping me busy.

Have a lovely day. Take care…


Good morning …and it’s a murky one in not so sunny Surrey. I did some work in the garden yesterday and planned to carry on today but looking at those clouds, maybe not.

It is nephrostomy dressing change today. Not such a major event now that Mrs mart can do it. My latest blood test results show an eGFR of 29. A few of months ago it was only 10 (near kidney failure). I appreciate this might be a boring fact for the reader of this post but it means the world to me :slight_smile: It shows the nephrostomy is doing a lot of good. Expecting a telephone appointment with the Urology doctor today.

Have a good day everyone. :slight_smile:

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Good morning all

@mart not at all boring ,among my ailments I’m at stage 3 Kidney disease, your improvement is a decent one and must be encouraging to carry on with what you doing .

Weather is overcast , and with having a storm coming to England which will bring winds of 60 to 70 miles speeds , a bit worrying as my boiler stack is not looking healthy.Thats on Friday , it may change course and be a little less .

have a good day .


The call from the Urologist was originally arranged for November this year. Then the hospital App sent a message giving the option to bring it forward to today.

Just heard from the secretary asking why I’d changed the date? I told them because I’d been given the option. Apparently it was a hiccup in the system. Back to the November date now.

Now to get on with some more work in the garden.

Ay up from a miserable South Yorkshire this morning. Raining and dark, not much above 4 degrees C and chilly to the bone with all the dampness. The good news is, it’s a rest day, but if it was sunny I would have gone out on the bike, as it is, I’m not going outside at all today now that the early Tesco visit is done.
Enjoyed our visit to the cinema at Meadowhall yesterday and if you grew up with, and liked Bob Dylan ‘A complete unknown’ is the film for you. Me and Mrs Fox loved it and his early music brought back so many memories.
Managed to pick up a decent pair of running shoes, I’ve not been happy with the New Balance 680’s they are not a patch on the 860’s but these Skechers feel nice and supportive with plenty of cushioning and reduced in the sale to 60 quid from £90 just the ticket…

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