Good Morning Wednesday 12th June 2024

Morning all, sunshine again this morning but guess what? Yes, rain forecast for later. Oh to be in England when the summer is here! :sun_behind_rain_cloud:

Sorry about your car Bruce ā€“ hope you manage to free it soon

Didnā€™t get to the different shopping centre yesterday! A friend turned up on my doorstep. We meet on a regular basis for coffee but when she turns up unexpectedly I know I will be in for a couple of hours of her complaining about her life, her husband and her kids! To everyone else she says she has the perfect life, wonderful husband and her kids are angels (yeah so was Satan!). She does this every six months or so ā€“ she asks my advice and then ignores anything I suggest so now I just let her moan and say very little. By the time she had left I felt completely exhausted and didnā€™t fancy driving somewhere unknown ā€“ as I have something on every day for the rest of the week my little exploration will have to wait until next week!

Back on cat servant duties :black_cat: ā€“ no little gifts waiting for me this morning, although she is obviously sulking that she has been left alone and wouldnā€™t let me near her and also refused to leave the house. I have suggested a deal - I feed her and she doesnā€™t leave me any gifts (fat chance of that happening!)

Gardner is due this afternoon to tidy up and replenish the planters, hopefully he will also have time to cut back the hedge which is attempting to climb over the back wall of the garden!

Take care ā€“ hope everyone has a great day


Itā€™s free!

There was a lot of digging involved.


Good morning - Not a bad sort of day. An old friend from my teenage years is around this way and heā€™ll be paying a visit. Three of us oldie teenage friends still live in the area but not the one visiting. Heā€™ll have to spread himself around a bit.


That is why australians call themselves DIGGER


Oh dear Bruce. Lesson learned. Donā€™t park on wet grass :joy::smile:


Post waiting for approval?.. :017:


Did you use a naughty word? :astonished:


Not that Iā€™m aware of Sheilaā€¦ :009:

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Try reposting


Good morning!

Bruce, have you thought about keeping a set of portable tractions strips on hand? Something tells me you have some landscaping in your futureā€¦

That actually made me laugh out loud :joy:. Iā€™m putting that phrase on the shelf for future use.l

At the beach and Iā€™ve already completed a short run, the first round of pressure washing (my very, very DIY task), some weeding, sand removal on the boardwalk, and washed an rehung one set of draperies with the next in the washer. Why do they design those dang pressure washers (and lawnmowers) so hard to start???

Meanwhile the dogs are earning their keep. As you can tell they were not pleased that I disturbed their hard-earned naps:

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Good Morning from Foxyā€™s Worldā€¦ :pregnant_man:
Iā€™m not sure I can relate to that emojiā€¦ :017:
Had a very nice bus ride into town with Mrs Fox yesterday. I only intended to put a cheque into the bank and maybe have some lunch at Greggs, but Mrs Fox had other ideas and after a nice Tuna Crunch and mug of tea, she walked my legs off round the shopsā€¦ :090:
Rest day today with just a visit to Tesco early on, and then Gardeners World comes to Barnby Dun when I go out and weed the bordersā€¦Green bin day tomorrow, although trimming the overgrown holly tree will have to wait until I have fully recovered, half a days job there.
Should be able to drive tomorrow, for an appointment with the cardiac nurse in Thorne, about eight miles away and a sod to get to on the busā€¦
Love your update on the cat Sheila, Iā€™m sure sheā€™ll come round and welcome you eventuallyā€¦


I really like Greggs Mexican Chicken Baguette. Occasionally treat myself to one when in town.

A good old catch-up with my friend this afternoon. We have known each other since the age of 13/14 years old. His Dad was the landlord of a pub and he let us have the use of an old hayloft situated in the premises for our club hut. Exclusive membership of seven of lads. Girlfriends sometimes.


I remember getting bogged down in a muddy field which was being used as a National Trust car park. We were visiting an old house and garden. My sister offered to push from behind the driving wheels. This resulted in a classic Laurel and Hardy situation and she was sprayed with mud all down her jeans. So she walked round the house and had lunch with one leg covered in mud. I can still snigger thinking of it.


Good Morning Thursday, June 13, Sunday is Fathers day,
roads will close, band will play, fireworks may fly high?
Sweet isnā€™t it!


Isnā€™t Fathersā€™ Day the first Sunday in September? (Whereas Mothersā€™ Day is the second Sunday in May)

Maybe that is just here?

Must be just there Bruce. Motherā€™s Day is usually around March in UK (9 months after Fatherā€™s Day) :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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A rhyme we were taught was ā€˜Mothering Sunday, Careaway, Palm Sunday, Easter Dayā€™ as a way of remembering the order of things - I never did work out what Careaway actually referred to unless itā€™s something to do with Caraway cake :grinning:

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Motherā€™s day and fatherā€™s day are a month apart.

She finds out first and waits!
Month later she tells him. ā€¦ :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Fatherā€™s day Celebrations are just a trap! ā€¦ :joy: ā€¦

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I vaguely remember the CofE Mothering Sunday in the UK, has that been adopted as Mothersā€™ Day? If I recall it was like Easter and Lent and moved around with the phases of the Moon (but that might be wrong)

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Yes, it moves around. It is the 4th Sunday of Lent, which is 3 Sundays before Easter.