Good morning Wednesday! (03 Aug 21)

Good Morning everyone,

Apparently we are due for something called ‘rain’ and thunder storms all day today.

I’ll be hiding in the wardrobe with the cats!:smiley:

Stay safe.

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Escaping to Narnia ?

Sounds good to me!:smiley:

good morning, nice bit of rain overnight feels fresh again.

For the first time in over a year am going to supermarket this morning. Although we have signed up to a 6month home delivery deal with tesco thought it might be nice just to see whats what, we will go early though

Good morning all, just had a shower here but really need another good one before the garden gets any advantage, bu maybe later though they say…

Waiting in for a delivery first thing then hopefully a ride over to Mum’s to cut her lawns. Nothing else planned as yet.

Have a good day everyone :slight_smile:

Good morning everybody.

The weather is noticeably cooler today hoorah!! I might catch up on a pile of ironing that has been waiting…

Going for a swim at 9.00am then nothing planned.

Have a good day all.:slight_smile:

Good morning everybody! Raining this morning, thank goodness! Not much but possible storms later on and tomorrow. No plans as yet but I’m sure the day will pan out well. Have a lovely one! :smiley:

Good morning everyone :slight_smile: we had some welcome rain at last yesterday the first time in over 3 weeks and my garden looks all the better for it.

No word from the vet who was supposed to phone yesterday with Chloe’s preoperative blood results before we can arrange a date for the toe removal .

I am braving the dentist tomorrow with 2 missing fillings, I have never met this one since my old dentist retired and am nervous of anyone coming so close to me and catching covid my being in the vulnerable category.

Enjoy your day :slight_smile:

Good morning all.

Very dull and cloudy so far, so a lot of indoor jobs today me thinks. Paperwork, housework, ironing etc.

Meg, try not to worry about the dentist. When I went a few months back, I said to myself, I am probably safer there where everything is disinfected, then I am in the streets or supermakets.
Hope you are able to sort Chloe out soon, too.

Good morning everyone, Have a good day, take it easy and stay safe and well, God bless. :slight_smile:

Good morning all :slight_smile:

We had heavy rain storms last evening, the roads were flooded in no time and it was quite frightening to watch. Fortunately the flooding receded quite quickly when the rain eased.

A mix of sunshine and showers today.

Enjoy your day everyone….

Thanks Mups :slight_smile: even vaccinated I know my being in the vulnerable category means probable serious consequences if I catch Covid .

Chloe’s eye is looking better one worry less :slight_smile:

Good morning everyone,

It’s deceptively lovely outside at the moment. Deceptively, because rain is forecast for midday, and indeed though it looks beautiful if I look out of my front window, there are dark, ominous clouds to the side of the house.

Oh well, I’ve put my washing out, ever the optimist :lol:

Have a lovely day folks, rain or shine :slight_smile: