Good Morning Tuesday 20th August 2024

Good morning - Any rain has mostly bypassed us. The only clue there has been any is a puddle on the top of a garden glass top table. It’s a bit cloudy but I’ll probably chance riding to the allotment.

@Bruce - That laptop of mine was on Windows 8.1 when I got it. I installed W.10 after fitting the SSD. Fortunately …and a bit surprisingly, there was no problem with Windows activation. Do you think there might be a problem with your W.7 laptop?

We always have a jar of Branston Pickle in the cupboard. :slight_smile:

Have a good day everyone.

Edit: 10.50 a.m. Back from the allotment with a courgette, a cauliflower and some baby tomatoes. The tomatoes are the ones I grew from seeds. Tastier than the tomatoes the seeds came from. Maybe because the plants are more individually cared for.


Good morning everyone. It looks as if there was some rain overnight but it’s dry now and the sun is beginning to peep through the clouds.

Enjoy your Branston @Bruce. My late husband used to love it, when he died I passed the jar on to my son, I’m not keen on it, my preference is piccalilli on my ham sandwiches.

Not much to report today. After dog walking I intend to do some housework and then see how the rest of the day unfolds.

Happy Tuesday!


It is a SATA drive so it should be OK. It was upgraded to WIN10 when it first came out, fortunately it missed out on WIN8

Actually I liked this computer better than later ones, it is a bit chunky but it has an external switch for the wifi, a RJ45 ethernet connector, a proper keyboard and the HDD is easy to remove without dismantling the case.

Will see how it goes if the worse comes to the worse I will just upgrade the later one with the bigger SSD.

Personally I prefer the Australian version of Piccalilli called inventively Sweet Mustard Pickle. Like you I use it far more often than the dark stuff.


Good Morning From Foxy’s World… :mask:
Called in at our local surgery while returning from my jog this morning, to book an appointment with the charming doctor Roberts. I was appalled…Apparently, if you make your way down to the small surgery at 8:30am you can make an appointment for later in the day, all the early ones being taken up by telephone appointments (don’t ask, it’s a long story) So in I go to find the small waiting room stacked to the rafters with patients waiting to make appointments. I thought there would be a list. Make your appointment and go home and return at the appointed time… :009: Nope! Take a seat and wait until everyone else in front of you has been allocated a time…
I was sweating like a bull and needed a shower, and do you know what happens when you stack up lots of old people in a confined space? Covid, Flu etc…And most of those old people (the village is primarily Gods waiting room and full of old retired folk) will have to go home and return later. Which will be a problem for those who don’t drive, and those that do drive will park outside the surgery on the very busy main road…There is no parking available at the surgery…Is this the 21st century or what? I remember as a boy rocking up to the surgery staffed by half a dozen doctors (who you could understand) and be seen immediately. The doctors even had time to visit you at home if you couldn’t make it to the surgery…How good was that… :smile:
Sorry for the rant, but if I don’t post anymore it’s because I died, because I’ve finished with local doctors and gestapo like receptionists…They can all 'Do One!..


I’m sorry for you, Foxy. I guess we are lucky with our local surgery where we are. At our previous place the local Doctor got it wrong and I had to have serious surgery. Permanent actually.

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I vaguely remember that ad! :smiley:


A lovely Tuesday Morn / afternoon to all :smiley: a most lovely Tuesday indeed. After 2 months of high temps and humidity we are getting some relief with below average temps and humidity for a few days. I planted a few tomato plants back in the spring and have enjoyed the fruits of my labor for the last couple of months, but sadly, they have run their course.

“Did someone order a bright and sunny day? Well…here it is. Happy Tuesday!” – Anthony T. Hincks

Have a safe and wonderful Tuesday :smiley:


ordering on line gets very annoying re deliveries and suppliers. Just received a larger item and the part we wanted is missing. Contacted the suppliers who are posting it via the dreaded Royal Mail
Is it just me that expects no delays and correct items ordered, or is this modern age when no one cares or takes the trouble to check first.
Not just this but banks and building societies moving branches away from one where lives to make it harder to get to.


It’s not a problem we have. For example, I have just ordered a set of Stanley blades. And we order groceries at our door. And we rarely need to visit our bank - the last lime for that was around 20 years ago.

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bit different to where we live, more and more houses being built, have to drive to get to green fields when there used to be ones within a couple of minutes walk.
we have lost so much in our village even the opticans are no longer here and no banks or building soc. when there were 3or4. Even bexhill our nearest larger town is loosing the same.

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We don’t visit banks or building societies - we use a computer.

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Chutney is a Indian dish. This Rosella fruit chutney is in the Australian market for over 129 years. Good to know. :blush:

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we wanted to close an account and told it had to be done in the building soc. So Sue did this today

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Fairy nuff…

Looks like we’re in the same boat, we are finally having cooler, rainy days after two dry, scorching hot months, but apparently at the weekend, temperatures will shoot up again to high 30s! :hot_face:

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This is happening all over the world, brick and mortar businesses are quickly becoming “a thing of the past”, everything is online, shopping, reservations, appointments, and this new computer fits in the palm of your hand. I’m an old relic though, I prefer to do my banking / shopping in person, but you will pay a higher price for the privilege.

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It has been that way for at least a decade for my electrical projects. All done with electronics except the final hard copy.


!5-20 years, we’ve seen the change. In the early 2000s I was dating a lady who was involved employed with the earliest on line shopping networks, and at that time it did not look promising, maybe as early as 1998, it’s been brewing for decades, at least 2.5.

We humans always take the path of least resistance, that’s why we are easily manipulated by the establishment and big business. Paying for stuff with a card or a phone is so much easier than carrying a pocket full of coins around in your pocket. So despite protestations by some, cash will eventually die out.
It’s so much easier to pay your bills and do your shopping from your armchair, so eventually, banks will disappear from the high street, and so will department stores…They already have I hear you say…
I’m an ageing fifties child, and liked things the way they were, life was so much simpler, sure, there were some hard times and bad stuff, but the bad stuff seems so much worse these days.
I resist buying anything online, but there are things you just can’t get now.
In the book I’m reading there was a quote from an old comedian who was born in Knaresborough, his act is of an old grumpy Yorkshire stereo type with the flat cap etc…
He said…"The older I get, the more I recognise the world is becoming a place for people who aren’t me. I used to be all over innovation, but nobody is making anything with me in mind".…His name is Howard H Smith, and that quote is exactly me…

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