Good morning everybody. Fairly cool today, only 23° at the moment but should warm up later in the week when it is supposed to warm up toward the weekend
No walk for me this morning because it was raining, in fact it has been raining on and off all morning so not much going on here.
I did get my little bit of varnishing done but apart from that nothing is happening.
Have been planning my route to Darwin in May, well, not so much planning the route as planning the stops (there are not that many roads to choose from). I reckon it will take me about 12 days to get there and a little longer to return because of my intention to visit Julia Creek on the way back. The time taken depends on how long I stay in each place, mostly just one night but I might need a break from driving. The whole journey is about 9000km there and back. Anyway it is all tentative at the moment, no fixed dates yet.
Hope all is well with you and that you have better weather.
Morning all – a sunny start to the day but it is colder
Birds impatiently waiting for me to restock the feeders – I half expect them to tap on the window one day!
I have been trying to contact my doctor for the last 3 weeks! I should have a blood test every 6 months, trying to contact the surgery to make an appointment is impossible. If I ring I am always 20 something in the queue (even if I ring at the time they are supposed to open) and as it takes them 10 minutes to clear just one call I don’t have the time to hang on. Have tried their online e-consult, but every day the message is they have no more capacity and to try again tomorrow!
Plans for today are to visit a new hairdresser – I wasn’t happy with the result the last time I visited my regular hairdresser and this new one has been highly recommended (and is £20 cheaper for a wash cut and blow-dry!)
A sunny day ,I shall return to collect Prescription that is owing . Its becoming a problem in
this country that some Meds are harder to get …
@SheilaP getting to talk to a Dr , is also harder fro everyone , A Triage is now in place , for my area and you have to fill in a form of your symptoms , wait and see if your sick enough to be seen , or worse still a Phone call.
Now ive been told that people go and wait outside Surgerys for opening times , and also phone to get appointment while they are queueing up .
I foresee a lot of Elderly , and mental health patients falling into a void with no way out .
a Sad situation we in this country now find ourselves in .
Hospitals seem to be the go to place now for sick people, not GPs surgery.
Have a good day every , and do everything you can to stay in good health.
Interesting the problems @Eliza and @SheilaP have contacting the doctor. Fortunately ours are nowhere near as dire, if I ring my doctor it is rare the line is engaged however there is also an online booking facility. I just checked the latter (it’s 9pm) and the earliest appointment I could get for my doctor is tomorrow at 2.40pm.
The doctors, dentist and optician all text you on the morning of the appointment to remind you of the appointment asking you to answer Y or N if you are going to attend (if they don’t hear it is taken as a Y.)
One facility I don’t like but my doctor always does now is texting the prescription to your phone, though handy on a phone consultation because you can go straight to the chemist.
When you tap on the link it takes you to a QR code which the chemist scans. I prefer a paper prescription personally but that is the way it is done now (except for my oxycodone that has to be paper and hand written.)
Nice and sunny this morning but cold.
Best nights sleep I’ve had for ages, I’m still a bit wobbly on the knee so I’ll give it a few more days before I run any marathons…
Anyway, the book i’m reading is getting too interesting to put down, so walking (or running) will have to wait. That’s something you wouldn’t have heard me say ten years ago. It would take a death in the family before I failed to go out on a run. Actually, it would have had to have been my death…
what a pleasure it is to be able to hear music in stereo again, I didn’t realise how blocked with earwax the ears were. Well worth the trip to SpecSavers to clear the ears out
Just been listening to this song and the stereo on it is for me now is amazing, and have had to turn the volume down so much.
Hi everyone, I’m back. It’s great returning to the real world, after being tossed around from Emergency to a hospital ward, for the last nine days. I’m staying in town in my late MIL’s apartment, as it’s easier for me, I don’t have to carry firewood backwards and forwards, to keep my chimney and stove working. I’m not looking forward to the gas bill, though .
Mind you, if the weather remains mild, I won’t be using the central heating for too many hours, like I would have, if it was January.
It rained this morning but the sun’s out now, so I think I’ll go for a nice walk soon.
Thanks @Besoeker.
Sorry it’s still cold in Yorkshire, I better not speak too soon though, March is crazy, we could easily go down to those temperatures, too.