Good Morning Thursday 9th May 2024

Good morning or in my case Good Late Afternoon. Sorry, forgot to post

I have been exploring the flesh pots of Kalgoorlie. Observing the mining of gold, shopping, reading and generally lazing about.

Hopefully your day will be as exciting :wink:


Good morning all!
Yet another lovely sunny day here in West Sussex :sun_with_face:
Well, I can’t compete with the fleshpots of Kalgoorlie Bruce but we’ll be going for a walk later to pick some more wild garlic for wild garlic butter to put in the freezer.

I was hoping for a baguette from our local shop but alas they’d already sold out.
Never mind, I spotted something in the chiller cabinet…

In the freezer with them, gonna take a disposable barbecue down to Brighton next week, it’s permissable to use them on the beaches away from the centre of the resort :drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face:

Enjoy your day people! :sun_with_face::+1:


Morning all – looks like another dry sunny day.

You are on holiday Bruce, lazing about occasionally is allowed! :seat:

The beast left another little gift for me in the cloakroom this morning! She still refused to go out despite the lovely weather. I thought perhaps she was getting lonely and attempted to pet her – that was not a good move!! Eventually I had to close the door and return home as I was in desperate need of caffeine! :coffee: The vet did say recently that she may have arthritis in one of her legs so perhaps that is the reason she wants to stay indoors.

Meeting up with friends for our usual Thursday morning coffee and cake – not seen them for a couple of weeks so looking forward to catching up.

After all the housework yesterday morning, spent the afternoon reading – have now finished one of the books delivered on Sunday and will start the second one later today. I have discovered the author has also written another series of books with a different hero, so I may start on that series

Take care – hope everyone has a great day


Good Morning From foxy’s World… :dark_sunglasses: :bikini:
Warm and sunny first thing as I left for my short walk…A bit of jogging and a nag with Paul the runner, hadn’t seen him for a while…Passed the time of day with a friendly fisherman and took the short lane back to reality and traffic. As I returned to the village I was thinking about the old Pub in front of me where we used to have a laugh, play darts and wash away the dust from the working day… :beer: How times have changed, and they’ve turned it into a Co-op now… :009:

Off to Bridlington now so my daughter and hubby will be able to look at their smartphones in different surroundings…And Mrs Fox will be able to get into her bikini…
This, and other tales of walking were brought to you with the help of these very useful pieces of kit, and there’s still some life left in them yet…


Good morning to everyone, after yesterday’s torrential rain, still no sign of sunshine, it’s quite warm though, it always rains a lot in May, now it’s much colder indoors than outdoors😳.

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I saw this sign outside a hotel (pub), I didn’t investigate.

Probably earning their Backpacker Visa?


Shattered after a visit to the groomers .


That’s just how I feel, Ripple! :smile:


Very smart too Ripple! I love the way that he or she blends in with your rug. Excellent choice and top colour coordination on your part! :smiley: :+1:


n ot done much today except going for a longish walk to strengthen the legs even with a badly briused kneecap. We did buy a knee support should I need one


still recovering from jet lag…waking up at 3:00 a.m. arrrghhh and it’s a lovely day here…sun and warmth–finally!


Jogging, fishing, surfing…it was a busy beach morning!

Breakfast was a fishy sort, but thankfully it was not mine! The breakfaster was the the wildlife kind visible in the upper portion of the photo. He was an incidental capture, as I was trying to photograph my duck-diving daughter on her surfboard. Unfortunately, she comes across as a mere dot.

The bird was a lucky duck, finding his dinner in one spectacular kamikaze-style dive after a beautifully controlled stall. In need of knocking down this inadvertent duck theme, any guesses what kind of bird this? Bonus points if you can find my daughter.

Enjoy dinner, the activities…and the…um…fleshpots, as the case may be!


Terrific picture!
Were you beach casting? I’m guessing you’d need to get a lead out beyond that third breaker, bass perhaps? Is your daughter on the surf below and just to the right of the bird?
Seems like you’ve had a really good morning! :fishing_pole_and_fish: :+1: