Good Morning Thursday , 9th January 2025

Good morning to you all on this gloomy Thursday, it looks like the day is only going to be slightly warmer than yesterday - heading for the mid 20s but still overcast and rain predicted, however we only received 1.5mm yesterday.

Of course today I have the excitement of bin day.

Actually my bin is quite heavy because yesterday I noticed that one of my “just in case” foods had exploded. and its contents were a black dried mess at the back of the cupboard (for obvious reasons I don’t venture there often).

Emptied the cupboard and threw away everything with a best before date of 2022 and earlier (three bags full - that could be a rhyme). There were even two dried up pots of hot English mustard and French mustard. I am giving up on stocking up because these tins invariably explode or leak on me. I am sticking to baked beans from now on.

Anyway the cupboard is scrubbed and like new again and bereft of tins of fruit salad, lychees, sliced pineapple or any combustible products.

All this rain will aid the grass growth on the council verge which I no longer intend to mow so am happy about that. Not so happy that the bit I do have to mow will grow also but that’s life.

Heard from my son and his GF last night, they made it to Daly Waters yesterday so they should be in Darwin sometime today, it’s the Stuart Highway all the way.

Have a lovely day. Take care…


Good morning all
another frosty one , at 2am I was out side with dog trying to get her to come in .
I could hear a Fox calling not that far away . Theres a Railway track not far from me and also a wooded area , I think thats where its coming from .

Parcels arriving today , looking forward to trying on what I bought .

Have a good day all .


Morning all – another freezing start to the day

Beast was good last night and even greeted me when I went in to feed her (she must be getting desperate for attention!). :cat2:

Plans for today include meeting up with the usual bunch of miscreants for coffee, cake and gossip followed by the main grocery shop – oh what an exciting life I lead!

Have been looking online at holidays – but find I am getting annoyed and the amount of the “single supplements” it is like having to pay a tax simply because someone is single! :angry: I accept a certain amount would be payable but some are outrageously high (sorry rant over)

Take care – have a great day


Bruce made me smile with quote " I am sticking to baked beans from now on". Unquote
whatever turns you on I suppose

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Not a lot happening here today. My dear wife visited to the osteopath this morning then we strolled with the wee dog - she doesn’t seem to mind that it is 0C ! The damaged trees have been cut and cleared away so that has given us a longer walk. And now we are awaiting the grocery man/lady. Jolly exciting stuff…

Good whatever it is… :ambulance:
Drove Mrs Fox to the hospital at 8:00am yesterday morning for her physio appointment and I wasn’t feeling myself :anguished: The pains I was having in my chest, back and arms for the last few days were getting worse. So while she was attending the physio I popped round to A&E. They immediately sent me up to the assessment ward where they pricked, poked and prodded me, took numerous blood samples, x-rays, CT scans and ECG’s and by 7:00pm declared that there was nothing wrong with me and said I could go home…
I have never had such a thougher examination in my life, they did the works… :slightly_smiling_face:
They did say that my heart was knackered (not in so many words) and that it could be angina, but when I finally arrived home I brushed the dust off my GTN spray and blew a couple of shots under my tongue and the pains remained, so I guessed it wasn’t angina…A couple of paracetamol got me a good nights sleep and I feel better this morning knowing that I haven’t got Diabetes, Pneumonia, high blood pressure, lung cancer, covid, high cholesterol, heart attack, angina, emphysema or a whole other range of things that I can’t spell or pronounce. Unfortunately, they don’t do a test for stupidity…


Good afternoon everyone, wow @OldGreyFox , I am extremely impressed by the treatment you received at A&E! I’m glad to hear that you’ve been given the OK, and once again, ten out of ten for NHS efficiency. Over here, they would have made you wait hours and hours. :grin:

Windy and rainy here today, forecast not good for the coming weekend, more rain and very cold.
While I was at the supermarket this morning , I suddenly felt “nostalgic” so I bought a packet of this :uk: :yum: :smiley:


Good morning from the academic halls of Florida!

What a hassle at the hospital, @OldGreyFox, but I am glad you took your discomfort seriously. Adapting to a body that was once so cooperative that starts complaining with odd and new symptoms is a strange new experience, isn’t it? If I could give any advice to younger people is that the one of the greatest of human experiences is to get fit and strong when you you are young - and then push it to healthy limits on every adventure that appeals.

On the opposite end of that scale,mI am at our local university sorting out fees, syllabi, textbooks, parking stickers and all the things needed to start the winter term. My daughter is off to her first class which is a practicum teaching little ones the basics of physical education. It is all smoke and mirrors - a melee of activity and exercise wrapped up in a whole lot of fun. I wish someone could make household chores as exciting!

This is the last days of freezing temperatures, so I’ll be peeling back the sheets and Christmas lights, something that looks like a host of ghosts to see which of the delicate plants survived the cold. Ours is a place where northern birds migrate to escape the brutalities of weather, and last night they were all shivering hammering away at the keyboard this morning issuing complaints about management :024:. Suddenly our outdoor Floridian accommodations dropped from five stars to two. I couldn’t agree more and will be pushing my run until two, when the temps reach their maximum. I think I’ll take my own advice and shoot for 10Ks.

@Bruce, I experienced the same horror of discovery and frenzy of activity when I discovered that a mouse had gotten into the pantry last month, probably when we I was in Virginia. Besides surgically sterilizing everything and pitching out a whole lot more, everything is now double packaged in bins or storage jars. This is yet another testimony for the glory of glass jars and containers. I would gladly pay a surcharge at the grocery store to return to glass over plastic.

@SheilaP enjoy your outing, and I hope that everyone feels better after medical visits. J

January is for the birds. :laughing: :cold_face:

Have a nice day!


I’m with you on that, wouldn’t be without my Weetbix

Oh gawd ,so do I.

That’s a good thing, maybe it is just the pains of getting older.


I can’t fault the NHS here in South Yorkshire Bruce, but I think you’re right, it’s just wear and tear and cold weather. I get envious of your weather when I read your morning posts.

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You’d be a lot less envious looking out the window this morning, it’s not cold but low cloud obscures the escarpment, rain is predicted for this arvo and there has been a flood watch issued (unlikely to affect me).

That’s the trouble with Australia it’s either feast or famine.


I’ll take that over what we have here Bruce… :+1: