Good Morning Thursday 25th July 2024

Wow! 22°today not bad for winter eh? Good morning to you all, sadly the warmth comes to an end on Sunday.

Had the most beautiful sunrise this morning, my phone photo doesn’t do it justice. It was much redder than that.

Attended my Seniors’ meeting this morning and have just finished writing up the minutes, it got quite lively, even discussing the club’s Birthday Lunch had a bit of excitement.

Well, not much else to tell you, hope you have a lovely day as we wind down toward the weekend.


Gorgeous sunrise! Always so strange to me that you are starting your day while it’s evening here and I haven’t even started thinking about tomorrow.

What is it with cell phones that make them less intense with decreased yellow hues? Nothing I capture on my phone is as rich as it is in real life.

Now THAT is a winter day!

I’ll check back in after a good night’s sleep.

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Morning all – another grey day but not cold

Lovely photo Bruce – nature is the best artist!

Yesterday’s meeting with the new group went well, everyone very friendly. I did find out that everyone sits in the same place at each meeting and I was sitting in the seat of someone who is on holiday – where I will sit when everyone is back I don’t know – on the floor, on the table? The second part of the meeting involved a singalong – which is when I made my excuses and left! Nobody wants to hear me sing!

Sorting through my books I came across one I haven’t read (how did that happen!) it is one of James Patterson Alex Cross books. I have been online and found a couple more books by authors new to me that I am planning to order – can’t risk running out of something to read!

Off for more coffee, cake and gossip this morning with the usual bunch of miscreants, then grocery shopping

Take care – hope everyone has a great day

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Morning all, grey day here too. So off out to lunch, might cheer us up a bit.

Good morning - Pub day today. Not much going on before or after.

Have a good day. :slight_smile:

Good morning/afternoon everyone.

I’m a little later today because I’ve been wandering around a nearby market and charity shop. I picked up two books from the charity shop, they had a better selection than the last time I visited so I was able to find two tempting reads.

Pleased to hear that your meeting went well yesterday Sheila - I think I would have left when the singing started too. I often wish that I had a decent singing voice, which I absolutely don’t unfortunately. If I could sing I would join a choir, singing in a group looks so much fun.

That’s a lovely picture Bruce, there’s nothing as beautiful a nature.

Enjoy your lunch dood and your pint mart.

I shall spend this afternoon reading a book I bought a couple of days ago. I’ve only just started it and it looks promising, it’s called The Stranger Diaries’ by Elly Griffiths. I’ve read several of her books in the past and have not been disappointed.

Happy Thursday!

Aah, morning; now that’s more like it!

After a whopping five hours of sleep the dogs blasted me out of bed with all of their barking. I thought it was the construction crew I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter; Away to the window I flew like a flash, tore open the shutters and threw up the sash…or something like that. Alas, there were two raccoons in the neighbors’ yard, and as soon as they saw me, they jumped into the sawgrass and swam off! Color me surprise, but I had no idea that raccoons were so inclined to swim, given the option. This planet still teaches me something new every day.

@Sheila, you tickled me over the seating anxiety. When I visited the assisted living apartments nearby, I was more than once reprimanded for sitting in someone’s seat in the dining room, living room, or card room. Those folks were into some serious terrirtorialism and had me shooting out of my seat and running for the border when I got it wrong.

Really happy to hear that your new group visits went well! Let us know if you are ever graced with a chair :laughing:.

Quick run, quick chai, quick shower…and now I hurry up and wait through another day of repairs. No complaints though, I have a happy day at the easel ahead.

Have an enjoyable day!

Ah, morning.

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This arvo (yesterday now to me) was almost like a spring day with a warm northerly breeze making the garden really pleasant.

Long way to go to spring though (1st September) but within striking distance I guess.

Alas temperature set to plummet into the mid/high teens on Sunday :frowning_face: