Good Morning Thursday, 16th January 2025

Good morning to all on this wet, overcast and cool day, had 50mm of rain overnight, all the creeks will have overflowed because the ground was already saturated.

Last night was something extraordinary - the thunder and lightning had to be seen to be believed, at one blast it felt like the house was hit by a truck.

The power went out at 8.10pm so I was out in the rain getting my generator up to the house. It is only a 2kw so I only really run the fridge, my freezer and a light or two off it though I can use the microwave if needed but I had already eaten. I also got my lantern and other lights from my camper.

I was up again at 2.30am refuelling the genny because the power had still not returned - it was not until 4.30am that power came back on. It must have been something big to be off for that long, I would imagine a transformer was hit by lightning or a tree downed power lines/poles (I don’t know)

It was my own silly fault that I got so wet, there is a generator I keep at the back of the house but for reasons best known to nobody I had decided weeks ago to empty it of fuel and use the generator in the garage :frowning_face:

Hopefully that is enough excitement for today, will put the bins out soon - Oh! that’s another story…

Yesterday I was tidying when I found a lot of outdated sauces, spices and noodles on another shelf in my cupboard including three bottles of BBQ Sauce, I have kept the latest (best before 2022) but the others are in the bin as are a few packets of rice noodles, glutinous rice, semolina and tapioca who’s time had come and long gone.

Am hoping the rain has finished for now, we have had quite enough. I will keep the genny and power cords handy for a day or so just in case.

Enjoy your Thursday, Take care…


Morning all – misty start to the day and it is colder

Power cuts are such a nuisance Bruce. When I lived in the cottage the power would go off if there was a strong breeze! I got into the habit of keeping a torch and candles close by (still do)

BREAKING NEWS – the Beast has left the building! Went in yesterday lunchtime and left the patio door open while I cleaned her tray – she only stayed out for a couple of minutes but it is a start.

Off to see the “girls” this morning for the weekly coffee, cake and gossip.

More laundry today – with all the washing I am doing I am beginning to think there is someone else living in the house that I don’t know about!

Take care – have a lovely day


Good morning - Grey skies here in the south and 7ºC at 9.35 A.M. No rain. Going into town shortly, then back for the pub at midday. Sounds like a spectacular storm Bruce. Scary but worth seeing.

Mrs mart will be going to her crafts group this afternoon. I often use this time for doing a few things to the house undisturbed. Not today though. I have misplaced a torch that I’d really like to find.

It is a super beam rechargeable bicycle light. Bought for lighting up the paths on our off-road cycle rides back in the day. It cost a fair bit at the time. Sentimental value even. Not used for that now but still a very good torch for other purposes. Looked everywhere I can think of for it. The search continues

Have a good day. :slight_smile:


A one legged man walked into a shoe shop and asked to see a pair of flip-flips.


We were promised a few days of warmer weather, and what did I wake up to find?
Sub Zero temperatures, a thick layer of frost on everything, and the canal frozen solid. That’s very unusual for the canal to be frozen over after just one night of cold weather…
It’s a good job they fixed the water leak yesterday, I dread to think what would have happened if all that water would have frozen over today. The temporary traffic lights were still in place causing quite a long tailback, but it looked like the hole had been filled in… :017:

It was all going hunky dorey, I jogged for a short stretch along the busy road until I disappeared down Moor Lane and then walked. As I joined the towpath I was up on my toes for another jog, I had not gone more than a few yards when I felt a slight twinge in my calf muscle. I stopped immediately but the damage was done and just walking was painful. I found the quickest route back home, but as I write this it has stiffened up and reduced the movement in my ankle. I doubt whether I will be able to walk on it tomorrow. I’m beginning to get annoyed now, and am so disappointed at my bodies inability to complete the simplest of tasks…


I get very few these days, Used to get a lot more hence the generator but since they upgraded the feeder to my area there have been virtually none other than planned outages for maintenance (like replacing poles). However something has changed, I used to be on the same transformer as the local Mall/CBD but during this outage they still had power as did the other side of my street which was even more frustrating

I have two generators but was going to retire the old one as I have had to repair it few times and you just cannot get parts. There was a carburettor problem and problems with the servo motors but even though I cured them, there is always the feeling that it is old and on its last legs. There newer one is less powerful but good enough and a bit lighter.

One of the things I discovered after my first back operation was that I could not run, I went to chase my daughter, she was a young teen then, and promptly fell over, subsequently I also discovered dancing was out too unless I wanted to end up in an embarrassing heap on the floor - at her wedding basically she danced round me while I shuffled in a circle.