Good Morning Thursday, 13th March 2025

Good morning to everybody on this forum.

Blue skies this morning from horizon to horizon, an Autumn heatwave is predicted for the next few days starting with 30° here today. I hope to mow the grass before the day is up, the recent rain set it off like there is no tomorrow.

Because of the promise of good weather I put the washing machine on delay last night and had it on the line as soon as it was light. It is nearly 7am before the sun rises - stupid daylight saving!

Seniors’ meeting today, minutes completed, all is good. The varnish in my camper is hardening nicely and I have collected my washing off the line.

Of course Thursday is bin day and also must put out the recycling bin for the morning (it is collected fortnightly). How do I keep up this pace? :icon_wink:

Have an enjoyable Thursday, keep busy.

Take care…


Good morning all

I enjoyed Yesterdays visit to the Theatre, I got caught in a heavy shower as I walked across town and Im sure there was Snow in it .
I treated myself to a Ice cream during the interval , it went down well,The acting was good as was the play .

Ive a food delivery today , thats all Ive got planned , Im looking forward to this weekend when Ive a Concert to go to , more on that on the day .

Have a good day everyone


Just thought it worth a mention about moving house. Apart from the usual trial and tribulations we also had other problems that were unexpected. That is having the previous owners leaving a debt . First move we did the previous owners took the rented tele with them and we had to explain they got the wrong family we had just moved in.
The second was here with the previous owner, they left here and we had Ballintine fitness people threatening us with court baliff if we didn’t pay the annaul membership fee.
This was only resolved when we visited one of the centres and made a citizens arrest on the manger. It is surpising after months of threatening and returned letters the matter was solved immediately.
Pity ones solicitors don’t do a background check. The last episode could have left problems with a black mark on the address with finance companies.


Morning all – another cold day but at least the sun is shining

My brother’s granddaughter sent a photo of Mum, she still looks thin and frail but she seems to have perked up a bit and was smiling.

My lovely neighbour called in yesterday with the weekly delivery of home made cake – a sponge this time. This is doing nothing for my diet - but tastes so good. They are off on a Caribbean cruise tomorrow so I will be back on cat servant duty. Whenever they go away the weather seems to turn colder – just as it has now!

Usual Thursday meet up with the “girls” today and then some grocery shopping, after that nothing else planned.

Take care – have a great day


They do say moving house is one of the most stressful things you can do - glad everything worked out in the end!


Morning everyone… :039:
Been busy running the daughter and her hubby around the last few days while her motor was in the garage having some work done.
Enjoyed some trips out to garden centres and cafe’s but its suddenly gone all quiet now the cars been fixed and Mrs Fox has gone orf somewhere with her friend so its time to catch up.
Good to hear that your Mum is feeling better @SheilaP it must be a relief for you to see her smiling face…
Yes I believe moving house is one of the biggest stressful things in life, together with losing ones job, and divorce…Fortunately I’ve only been exposed to one of those things (redundancy twice) but I was very happy about it and don’t tend to worry about about anything…As it turned out it did me a favour after I bought a van and became a self employed courier…


With that last post about moving house we were about to have a dept collection agency on our doorstep on behalf of Ballintines fitness company. It had gone that far irrespective of our phone calls and retuning letters to the head office over several months. Oh the amount they were chasing £60 believe it or not. This was the last straw hence the visit to one of the local branches and saying making citizens arrest to the manager. This scared her as I was in no mood to “mess” about.
She contacted another branch in Hastings which stopped it.
There comes a time when direct action is the only answer.

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Good Afternoon all .
I got a surprise bonus item with new Marks & Spencer pJ’s
What is it hmmm. :thinking:

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Good afternoon all. Been a wee bit of stressful day but positive. Some years ago I was diagnosed with cancer and that was cured but the scars remained. Well, I got some new treatment and that has more or lest fixed that within a few months…)

Then, on the same day, I had a drip for Colitis. It used be four hours but now it is just one.- I’m getting better with that too. All good…


is it a staff security pass @Ripple .

My free gift with my online shop was Dog Bum Wipes, !! can anyone beat that ?