Good Morning Sunday 8th September 2024

Good morning to all the denizens of forum land on this overcast but still dry Sunday.

Went to the Vietnamese bakery this morning for wholemeal rolls only to find they only had 5 left, ho hum will have to go again later in the week.

Noticed that my poor azalea is in full bloom although it has not been looking well this year.

It suffers a lot because I chop it back almost to the ground every time I paint the house but usually it recovers well but this year it has been looking poorly.

Cooked my spag bol this morning but made a terrible mistake and added nutmeg instead of Garum Masala (sp?) - I have hoped to remedy that by adding a lot more chilli and more Indian spice. Oh well!

No idea what I am going to do this arvo yet but probably a walk, I want to wash my car at some point this week as its yearly wash is overdue.

Have a great day everybody take care


Good morning all! :sun_with_face:

Hey Bruce, excess nutmeg is said have hallucinogenic properties, we could be looking forward to some very interesting posts from you shortly! :astonished:
Nothing much planned for today, we might well make some wild blackberry and crab apple crumble later and a couple or four cans of Heineken at lunch time!

Have a fab day forum people! :+1:


Good morning!
Dull & cool, but not raining

Well, yesterday was a bit of a write off
I spent most of the time dozing under the duvet or sitting in my comfy chair drinking tea and trying, unsuccessfully, to read
Even though it was quite warm inside my flat I wore warm clothes including a body warmer
Went to bed early, as if I hadn’t spent enough time there already

I feel much better now, hopefully it was just some odd 24 hour bug
My plan for today is to have a shower soon, then write a letter and pack a parcel, all at a civilised rate


Morning all – more heavy rain overnight and yet more forecast for today – keeping looking out the window expecting to see Noah :sailboat:

You have a very unusual recipe for spag. bol. Bruce, but anything that includes pasta is a fine by me!

Glad you are feeling better zuludog

Received an email this morning – I have won the lottery, :mini: got all excited, logged onto my account – I have won £10 and 2 lucky dips – oh well that Caribbean cruise will have to wait

The rain held off while we walked to my friend’s house for her party last night. I asked if she had any idea her husband was throwing this party for her and she said she did wonder what was going on when he kept receiving lots of text messages and wouldn’t tell her who they were from, then a parcel was delivered and he wouldn’t tell her what it was. Eventually the penny dropped when their adult children arrived and started decorating with balloons and streamers. Had a lovely time and didn’t get home until after midnight – which these days is late for me! (gone are the days – or nights- when I could party till dawn). Someone offered me a lift home so didn’t have to walk back, which bearing in mind I had several glasses of wine was a good thing. I knew I should stop drinking when someone played Abba “Dancing Queen” and I got up to dance (not a pretty sight)

No plans for today – just wishing the rain would stop!

Take care – have a fun Sunday


Morning all, hot and sunny today but expecting rainstorms tomorrow :slightly_frowning_face:

@Chilliboot, I didn’t know excessive nutmeg can cause hallucinations, I better be careful when I make my besciamella :grinning:

@SheilaP, congratulations on your lottery win :smiley:

@Bruce, your azalea’s looking beautiful.
Don’t you find wholemeal rolls in any supermarket, or are Vietnamese ones tastier? :grinning:


Sure the supermarkets sell rolls but the Vietnamese bakeries are cheaper and better (taught baking by the French) I usually buy a dozen at a time and freeze them but today they only had five left.

I don’t usually buy them on the weekend because all the people having BBQs buy them out of just about everything, I thought I was early enough but obviously not. (When I am having a family BBQ I am there at 6 or 7am)

As an aside, they are also the only place open on Christmas morning so you get fresh rolls for the Christmas Day barbie.

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The last couple of days (not today) were quite warm so when I returned home from my walk I had worked up quite a sweat. My son had given me a six pack of Toohey’s Dry. Personally I don’t buy cans of beer I prefer stubbies but this seemed a good excuse to drink them.

They didn’t fill the glass and when I looked on the can they were only 330ml. It really irritates me when Australian companies use that measurement, beer was always 375ml or long necks of 750ml.

So instead I drank three cans it was only afterwards I discovered that they were 6.5% alcohol instead of the usual 5%.

Happy days (still resent 330ml as a measure though)


I do like a stronger brew from time to time, less can be more, glad you enjoyed them! :+1:

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Atrocious weather this morning when I awoke, rain splashing on the drive, and the cloud was so low I couldn’t see the top of the pylon on the field. I almost abandoned my Sunday walk, but I’m so glad I didn’t. Just a few light raindrops as I closed the door behind me, and by the time I burst into a jog over the field it had stopped. It remained dry for the rest of the five miler, but it was far too warm for the thin jumper and raincoat, glad I’m still going out in the shorts…
Although no records were broken, I managed to put together a good few running bits, and arrived home in good shape.

Dinner smells good cooking in the oven (roast beef) so I’m off for a shower now and then select a nice fruity bottle of red from the cellar …
Have a nice day Ya all…


Good morning - It’s a lot brighter today, even sunshine from time to time. the temperature is 18C.

I like a good ale a few times a week, Usually Doom Bar, Old Speckled Hen or Abbot. Mostly 500ml cans poured into a glass, apart from the weekly visit to the pub.

Spent part of the morning getting Mrs mart’s powerchair ready for selling. She has bought one with bigger batteries and more range. Ready for collection tomorrow.

Visitors later I expect, since they didn’t come yesterday.

Have a good day.

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You’ll find Mrs Fox up on the top floor…
I’ll be on the first floor of the ‘Wives Store’ I don’t need the money…

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Good morning from the swamp!

I had no idea that even Garam Masala was a spag bol ingredient let alone the nutmeg, but now I am tempted…

Well, dang. That is still not a bad way to start the day! What is a lucky dip?

It looks great, and I imagine someone will be delighted to have it - and add their own racy bumper stickers!

Between you and Bruce’s nutmeg, this forum is about to put it’s party hat on!

Same situation, several thousand miles apart! I slogged my way through five miles under overcast and misty skies. It is a weird time of year to know what to wear, but I favor shorts because I figure that if I am cold, I’ll just run faster. Or cry (kidding :laughing:).

The out-of-town twenties are meeting for coffee and shopping, so I have this morning to refill the fridge and get the place spruced up. Nothing pressing, just as a Sunday should be.

Have a nice day!


A lucky dip is where the lottery choose numbers for you to enter into the next draw

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Aha! Thank you and good luck!

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I just wish we could get the younger generations into the stores to get on with it. They are spending far too much time standing around on the sidewalk window-shopping. :smile:


That used to be my philosophy Surfermom, but these days it’s so there’s less to dry on the radiators when I get home after running/walking in the rain…

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The nutmeg was a terrible mistake (two bottles with a similar label). I just like spicy so adding Garum Masala was a tryout I enjoyed and stuck with but I always add Chilli to just about everything mince like.