Good Morning Sunday 21st July 2024

Good morning to all those who survived the night.

There were gale force winds here last night, I rang my neighbour across the road to tell him part of his roof was blowing off - he doesn’t live there, it’s a training school for those who hold Stop/Slow signs, I think he rang the SES. I had several power flicks during the evening but didn’t actually lose power whereas half a suburb away they were out for hours after a tree brought down power lines.

Am happy that this polar blast is finally heading out to sea and next week looks like more reasonable winter temperatures in the low 20s. Really fed up with the cold but am looking forward to coffee and cake in the morning.

IT seems to have returned to normal so tin foil hat returned to its stand for the next time they try to take over :wink: Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean that they are not out to get you.

Well, enjoy the final day of the weekend, keep warm or cool as appropriate. Enjoy your day.


Good morning to everyone, nice and cool at the moment, but it’s only 6.30am. Apparently temperatures should be dropping within the next few days with possible thunderstorms, hopefully they won’t be too violent after this heatwave. Those winds must have been terrible @Bruce, reminding me of our Spring and Autumn here, I think I prefer 40C temps to those gale force winds, that is the worst type of weather, we get it really bad being particularly exposed to south-west winds which can reach gale force, causing damage and disruption.

Have a relaxing, sunny Sunday everyone.


Morning all – lots of rain yesterday and last night – today is cloudy but dry (for now!)

Another late start for me – really don’t know what is wrong with me, perhaps my trip to the Isle of Wight wore me out, obviously don’t have the stamina I used to have! Birds were lined up on the garden wall again waiting for their breakfast – I fed them before feeding myself, how is that for dedication to wildlife! :innocent:

Oh I hate strong winds Bruce – I used to live in a 130 year old cottage which had 4 chimneys – every time there were strong winds I was scared one of them would topple! Strong winds would also cause the electricity to go out for the whole village so I kept a supply of candles and torches handy – still do despite now living in a city!!

When at the supermarket yesterday bumped into the gentleman who has offered to introduce me to a couple of clubs locally, I told him I wasn’t sure how to get to one of them and he offered to take me – so kind

Finished the ironing and even managed to put it all away – usually that has to wait until the next day (yeah OK I admit it – I’m lazy!). Last night I binged watched my favourite TV programme (I have all 6 series on DVD) :tv:

Not much planned for today – well it is Sunday, church then a visit to the cemetery before returning home

Take care – hope everyone has a great day


Good morning everyone.
Another warm, sunny day with just a little breeze - exactly how I like it.
The dog and I had a lovely walk through the fields though today we met several other dog walkers on our travels. I am on ‘Good morning’ terms with most of the dog walkers in the village I think but we never stop for a chat, which suits me. I use the walks as contemplation time. Our walks are quite slow because my dog, Annie, is a sniffer so we stop every few yards because she has found an interesting smell.
There wasn’t any cricket on the playing field today which is unusual for a Sunday, the village youth team have their matches on Sunday mornings - I suppose they are playing ‘away’ this week which is a shame because I like to sit and watch for a while on the way back from my walk.
Nothing planned for today except a 'phone call with my younger son for a catch-up.
Have a happy Sunday!


Good Morning to all my forum friends… :039:
We will probably never meet, but you seem like family to me…
Anyway, enough of the sloppy stuff and lets get on with today’s happenings…
A bit cooler and a lot less humid made my early morning five a bit more enjoyable. I put some very comfortable jogging bits in and never broke into a sweat. Just when I thought I would be on for a good time, In the woods I bumped into a lady runner I am acquainted with and she was walking… :open_mouth:
I stopped to enquire, and she was carrying an injury to her buttock…No! seriously… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
I gave her the benefit of my experience, accumulated after over forty years of running and recommended some appropriate treatment, then I wished her well with her recuperation and jogged off…I realised I would be hard pushed to make up the time, but I considered it time well spent.
Further bursts of jogging occurred until I left the road and joined the deserted lane back to the village where I encountered my friend Steve…We both walked back the mile to the village where we sorted out most of the worlds problems. The time wasn’t so bad after all…


Good Morning all :slight_smile: Have a relaxing Sunday everyone :slight_smile:

Lazing on a sunny afternoon
In the summertime, in the summertime
In the summertime


It is currently raining buckets, and the forecast is promising rain almost every day for the next week. I have the patio doors open to let in the breeze and aroma of ozone, but the dogs are giving me dirty looks because of the amplified sounds of thunder. Surprisingly, this is one of the rainiest places in the country with well over 60" per year.

That’s quite a wind event, Bruce, made worse by those frigid temps! Sheila, your house sounds historically interesting with all those chimneys. I wonder what the lives were like of the people who lived in it when it was new? It reminds me that my next door neighbor is currently in the process of removing his chimney and fireplace because they decided they didn’t want it anymore. Amazing what people do with their money, these days!

With a run out of the question, this is a forced break, which leaves me knocking out a few projects that have been begging. OGF, you seem to have it right with the social encounters sprinkled in with your running! We have a running club here that starts and ends at a local Irish pub, but that has always mystified me since the whole point of running is to burn off calories. They have plenty of fun though, and I expect more than a few romances and friendships have spun out of those meetings.

I want to refinish the coffee table base that was in my parents’ living room to put in the beach place, but I feel a little intimidated by it because it has so many nooks and crannies (use the Dremel, maybe?). My siblings wanted to throw the table to the curb, but I keep thinking about the countless conversations we had around it and two generations of kids either coloring or building with Legos on the glass top. I wish I wasn’t so sentimental; it tends to cause me a lot of work.

All right, construction of the the (veg) sausage and quiche awaits…so here’s a “hog and a quiche” :hugs: :kissing_heart: from your American cousin!

Enjoy your leisurely afternoon!