Good Morning Sunday 14th July 2024

Bargain of the Year
Meat is much more expensive here Chilliboot…have not had a Roast Beef Dinner here ever… :woozy_face:
Regular Leg of Lamb but that is from New Zealand just like in the UK always cheaper than the Native ones… and Chicken of a decent size …silly money


I have to log out as needing to be elsewhere now…Enjoy your Footsie…Tennis for me laters…


Morning all. We ended up at Mrs Chews again for lunch yesterday, my steak came in the form of Beef in Black Bean Sauce. I enjoyed it but probably not as much as the prawns in sticky chilli sauce that I normally have.

I was also in Westfield on Friday, took this picture of the restaurant area before it was fully illuminated.

Few plans for today: got a Skype call with our boy in Australia at 9am.

Weathers looking good here. Have a nice day.


Good morning - Sunshine to start with but the cloud is building. There looks to be a layer of cloud over us for the coming days. Oh well, who wants the Sun beating down on them anyway (I do :slight_smile: ).

Another day of not much to do but since we didn’t get visited yesterday, the likelihood is more today. Two of the children and a grandchild are busy renovating a house and that has meant fewer visits.

They go to a cafe at lunchtime that another grandson helps to run. They make a great sandwich there consisting of sliced sausage, egg and crispy bacon. One was bought and brought round to me before they all went back to work on the house. That’s the second one I’ve had. I’ve offered to pay but they won’t accept the money. Nice of them.

Have a good day. :slight_smile:


Good morning everyone.
A lovely sunny start to the day - well it is Sunday …!
Your meal looks good @Bruce - I have a steak to cook for my lunch today with new potatoes, runner beans and courgette, I rarely eat chips these days though I do like them. Mine will be followed by strawberries and Greek yoghurt. I’m not keen on cooking and now I cook for just myself I’m even less keen - but I always have a ‘proper’ Sunday lunch. You have a bargain there with your beef joint @Chilliboot and a son there to cook it for you too, luxury indeed.
Nothing much planned for today although there is an Open Gardens in a nearby village and I might take a trip over there. I enjoy wandering around other people’s gardens and it’s made even better when there is a cup of tea and a cake involved.
Happy Sunday!


Good morning everyone, I’m watching Fox news at the moment on my PC, about Trump assassination attempt, I’m absolutely bewildered at the failure of US Security, how could that have happened?


Looks like it’s gonna be a delicious meal @Chilliboot. I was up at 5am, as usual, so I decided to do my cooking early in the morning when it’s cooler.
My son’s coming back from his beach holiday, so I’ve made baked pasta and chicken escalopes especially for him. Well, I’ll obviously eat that too, instead of a simple salad with grains, veggies and legumes :grinning:


Looks very appetizing @Bruce. :grinning:

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That wandering around gardens sounds good @MargaretF, I could do with some gardening tips and ideas. I’m useless with flowers, not bad with growing veggies, but flowers, definitely not.
I just noticed my first red tomatoes :smile:


Sunday Dinner (lunch to the posh folk) at a top of the range hotel today…
Miserable, damp and cold today (13 degrees C) but went out for my walk anyway, and was surprised how much I enjoyed it, so I added a bit on the end… :man_walking:
Looks like a very nice meal Bruce, I can’t do big portions these days, but there is something missing on that plate…Some ‘Green Stuff’ Cabbage, Broccoli, Sprouts, etc…
Looks like you southerners have got all the sun today, I hope it comes up to Yorkshire by tomorrow. A trip to Whitby and a fish and chip meal at the Magpie planned…


I’ve never been to Whitby, being a fan of the gothic I really should go one day, could handle some fish and chips too!:drooling_face:
Enjoy Foxy! :+1:


Thanks Chilli, yes, you must go, it’s probably one of the best seaside places on the East Yorkshire coast, and probably the least commercialised. Although it does get well subscribed to around the harbour area especially when the sun comes out. A visit to the Abbey and up the 199 steps is a must, once the rubber legs have recovered… :+1:


It was the smallest they do, though not a kids meal, it usually comes with salad but I always tell the to forget the salad. It’s 250grams about 3 cm thick, no fat and had already eaten some of the chips before I thought to take the photo but still didn’t finish it all, I think I need to starve for the whole day before going. The days of me eating a steak that hangs over both side of the plate are long gone.

You know I don’t eat veggies if I can help it and certainly never any of those you mention.


I like tomato & mayo with steak.


I’ve been to Whitby when we used to stay with our friends. We did all the rounds within striking distance of Doncaster. A nice place.


that lad who attempted to kill Donald Trump missed for one good reason, he didn’t go to Spec Savers


Good morning from the lightning capital of the U.S. Strikes and rumblings were all around this morning to the point that a pile of dogs was heaped around and on me. They aren’t usually afraid, but s bolt hit a pine tree that caused the trunk to crack and explode, which caused even me to startle. Sometimes it’s strange to live in such a naturally active spot. At least on a softer note a young pair of woodpeckers seems to have decided to move in and start their young family in the same Sabal palm next to the house, where a pair of doves are already nesting.

I have the news on and am bewildered as everyone else about the Trump shooting, not just as to this most obvious security failure. I’ve been at multiple public settings for presidential speeches, a couple in cities where every window presents a sniper position and the obsession with those possible spots was intense. It is a mystery why this position was overlooked - and that good citizens to see and report shooter before the Secret Service. What the heck?

Everyone sounds mighty hungry this morning, and with my son heading over for week, I’d better put on a chef’s hat too in putting some decent fare on the table. @OGF, have a nice time and take pics!


I eat lots of vegetables to keep me healthy, but I reckon you will probably live longer than me Bruce. Perhaps I should kick the veggies into the long grass and stick to Steak and chips…

That looks reat tasty d00d… :+1:

It’s a nice place when it’s sunny Mart, but can get a bit depressing in the rain. Me and three friends went to do a coastal walk a few years ago and were met with torrential rain…The pint of Theakstons in the pub tasted nice before we abandoned the walk and came home…

Didn’t ‘Thomas Crooks’ own a travel company in Nottingham? (sorry I meant Thomas Cook :grin:) I’m glad Donald was unscathed… :+1: I feel this has just improved Trumps chances of becoming Potus…
We’ve been promised thunder and lightning on several occasions recently Surfermom, but it never materialised… :frowning_face: I love a good storm…

@Bruce This was the damage to the plastic wheel arch trim…

The car was new to me (only 2 years old) If it had been older I would have probably had a go at polishing it out.
This was the repair, a new wheel arch trim.

Just the paint to repair now. I know it doesn’t look much but very annoying…


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Oh that’s clever: a new plastic rim. And I’d leave that little scratch: a battle scar to be proud of.

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Sounds a bit like some of the west country holidays we’ve had.

Well done the repair. :+1: