Good Morning Saturday, 21st December 2024

Good Morning everyone. Another lovely summer’s day.

My son unexpectedly drove down from Sydney to spend the day with us, they have had trouble getting all the needed vehicles so his ship doesn’t sail until tomorrow now and, as he has nothing to do with loading, he got the day off.

It looks like Christmas is going to be perfect according to BOM’s forecast

Of course I will be in Canberra where it will be warmer but still good BBQ weather.

Spent the morning getting ready for my trip there tomorrow, while looking after my Grandkids. Turned on the fridge in my car for my milk (my daughter and SiL don’t drink milk) and filled the rest of the space with beer and the home made Christmas pudding a friend made.

Washed my camper - I have to take that because her house will be full, filled it with the presents, books and travelling paraphernalia etc.

I hope everyone is excited about Christmas, it is so close now.

Enjoy your weekend. Take care…


Good morning everyone, sunny day but very cold. This year’s going to be a much colder Christmas than recent years when temperatures have been relatively high, reaching 16C or so.
I can’t imagine Christmas in the Summer, lucky you @Bruce !

Oh no :open_mouth:!, As I’m writing this post I’m looking at our weather forecast, rain predicted for the 25th, it will be only 2C in the morning, which means it could turn to snow. :scream. They’ve even put the symbol which shows rain mixed with snow! :100. I hope they’ve got it wrong, well I suppose I better not “count my chickens before they hatch”!
I may seem over-dramatic regarding a phenomenon which is completely normal in these winter months, I wouldn’t care at all if I lived in town, but like I’ve said before, it’s out here in the open countryside that makes it so unbearable. Our house is down a slope and we just get “snowed in” ,no way out. The good thing is that my son usually has his car parked up the slope near the front gate and his car has the thermal tyres on now, so at least we can always have one car available, as long as it’s not too much snow. :grimacing:

Well, at least I have something to look forward to,Im picking up my daughter this afternoon, who’s arriving from Verona, where she works,it will be great to have her home with us for 2 weeks :041:

I must get some more shopping done too, I’ve been stuck indoors for a whole week due to this horrid virus, so much leftover housework to do too. :roll_eyes:

Anyway, I hope you all have a good start to this pre-Christmas weekend.


Morning all – grey wet and windy today (the weather, not me!)

Felt totally exhausted yesterday did very little all day, a little laundry and housework, spent most of the day reading!

Went into the guest room to find my relatives had left a thank you note, together with cash to be used the next time my neighbours and I go out for a meal – such a kind gesture.

Today I have to catch up on the housework I put off yesterday and must do some grocery shopping

Take care – have a lovely day


Good morning all,

Feels so mild out there temp of 12c but with mizzle ,also the wind is building up .
Ideal walking conditions , but not sure if I be getting out at all this weekend ,

Have a good day all .


Good Morning from Foxy’s World… :shopping_cart:
Never seen the Tesco so busy at 7:30 on a Saturday morning…
Anyway made quick plunder and got the hell out of there…According to Blondie (The nice lady from Finland who I always talk to) yesterday was the busiest she has ever seen, and there wasn’t even a space left in the extensive car park. And while we’re on the subject of car parks…Why do people park diagonally and make it very difficult to open the doors. Mrs Fox has trouble getting in and out of the car with her poorly knee and I had to spend five minutes manoeuvring the car so we could both get out… :frowning_face:
Mind you, with no walk or breakfast this morning I wasn’t feeling the love…
It’s getting very windy here too Eliza, and would have been perfect for a walk, but it’s out for lunch to a garden centre in a minute…


Good afternoon - The day has brightened up considerably from the dull start earlier on. We have been out and got some more shopping.

Our son, daughter and her partner will be here for an evening dinner. This will consist of meat pies made in Yorkshire, the likes of which can’t be bought around here. Also got quite a few pork pies made by the same butcher.

Have a good afternoon and evening everyone. :slight_smile:


Good morning all!

Relatively mild here for the time of year although a bit drizzly. Hey Foxy, I took Chilli jnr for a trip to Tesco at around 10:30. It really wasn’t too bad although it was starting to get a bit manic by the time we left.

Have a good day people! :+1::christmas_tree:


Good bright Saturday from Florida!

I feel victorious over nature this morning with the assault of 40ºF/4ºC during my run and hundreds o of the Portuguese man o’ war jellyfish on the beach. The colonies aren’t usually a problem unless a mis-step causes a tentacle to flick up and sting an ankle. These beachings, the summer jubilee, and fish kills remind one how careless nature seems to be with life as if shrugging to say, “I can always make more.”
Isn’t it remarkable that cells would combine to develop a beautiful transparent bladder as a means of transportation? Remarkable.

@Rose I commiserate with your hill living in winter conditions! There is a science to it; conscientious parking with tires turned just so, knowing when to downshift, understanding how to steer out of an icy skid. I can’t say I miss it.

It so nice to read that so many of you are enjoying family and friends for and before Christmas - and the best are those you don’t have to try to hard to entertain. My grandmother used to say the best company are those who are happy eating chips out of the bag but are so enjoyable that you to put out the china.

I wonder if I am the only one who has never visited a Tesco store?

Today is glass day in which all the glass shelves, windows, and decorative items get - the treatment. I see all those surfaces glaring at me and enjoying their haze and fingerprints but it’s no use. I am breaking out the bucket, squeegee, microfiber cloths, vinegar, alcohol and Dawn detergent and heating and will win this battle too!

There is gift wrapping and baking to be done, but I am itching to do something outdoors Maybe I can talk someone around here into a bike ride or a trail hike. This is the first day of winter, but if I ignore that fact, maybe it will go away.

Have a nice day, but don’t eat all the fudge. It’s not Christmas - yet :smile:


Fascinating though it is
the very thought of Portuguese men of war attending our coastline would give me the horrors, I gather that the sting is rather painful :open_mouth:

Limeys are soft! :+1:


There appears to be two schools of thought in nature.You make lots of babies and let them get on with it or you just make one or two and really look after them.It seems the result is the same.


They’re what we call Bluebottles, fairly common on our beaches. Did you know that there are two kinds? A left handed type and a right handed type they sail in opposite directions with the wind so it depends on which way the wind is blowing which type you get washed up on the beach.

I learned that just this week from some Professor of (presumably) Bluebottles from NSW Uni talking on the radio.

BTW the treatment is to carefully remove the stingers and dowse the area in warm water, not piss on them as was the previous treatment, urine actully makes the stingers fire apparently.

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Yes, but I had long forgotten! Thanks for that very fascinating reminder. I’ll conduce a directional inventory the next time a hoard of them washes ashore :face_with_monocle:.

That urine treatment has always been a bunch of hogwash - and definitely not the treatment I would have wanted when a dinner-plate-sized jellyfish attached itself on the right side of my face while I was surfing a few summers back :rofl:.

I often tell tourists that the best treatment for a jellyfish sting is twenty minutes.


We have our own marine horrors too…

Kind of cute… not :wink: