Good Morning Saturday, 18th January 2025

Good morning all on this, once again, overcast, humid Saturday though it is supposed to brighten up later.

It was very windy last night but there was only 3mm of rain in the gauge this morning. I have just returned from taking the dog for a quick walk (quick in time not pace) returned just in time for another shower. Feel sorry for the kids stuck inside all day though they do not seem to mind.

Today is the 22nd anniversary of the terrible Canberra bushfires when 70% of the ACT went up in flames due to a dry lightning strike. It shows the difference between that fire and the LA fires in that only about 500 homes were lost and 4 people killed. The total ACT population was only about 300,000 then compared to millions in LA (4 million?).

It is also the birthday of the World’s Greatest Treasurer and PM, Paul Keating, it was the Hawke/Keating government in the 1980s that set Australia up for a recession free future.

Meanwhile the grass is growing like there is no tomorrow but far too wet to mow yet.

I hope you are getting better weather, what are your plans for the weekend?

Take care…


Good morning all

Today Im going to a Wedding Fayre , the last one I had to bail out because of the nasty bug I had , Its being held at the wedding venue thats been booked for the wedding in Autumn.

Hopefully I may get to a garden centre to pick up a bag of Ericacious compost for a shrub I bought , its sitting in the greenhouse waiting to be planted , it is in Bud and is opening out .

While im out my neighbour will be getting his blockage moved along the pipe , to the manhole in my driveway . so im leaving him access to that . Hopefully , he clears up and dont leave me any nasty surprises .

its cold out and for @Bruce a readout for comparison


Good morning from not so sunny Surrey. In fact it is dull and cold. The temperature is 3ºC at present and not expected to get much warmer. No rain but still not an inviting day to go out on.

Even so, we still might go to the car boot sale at the Community Centre. Mrs mart is on the lookout for paperweights for holding material in place while she cuts it into shape. Usually the sort of thing that ends up in car boot sales but Murphy’s Law could kick in and there won’t be any.

The lighting alterations I was expecting to do yesterday didn’t get done because the new light wasn’t delivered here until 8.00 P.M. …so that will be one job for today. I might do others.

Have a good day. :slight_smile:


Morning all – another dull overcast day :frowning_face:

The Beast’s regular servants are due back today – I think early afternoon but not sure about that. She is still refusing to leave the house but I think that will change when they return as they are not as soft with her as I am! I will go back in later to ensure there aren’t any little gifts waiting for them when they get back!

Plans for today are housework and change the bedding and not much else – still not feeling 100% after the flu but gradually getting there

Take care – have a lovely day


Rest day today, but did manage to go out on the bike for a 15 mile tour yesterday at lunchtime. The quiet country roads were the place to be with folks at work and the kids at school it was heaven, even the sun kept poking through the clouds, and it didn’t feel too cold either.
An early visit to Tesco for the weekend shopping done and a trip out to a garden centre for lunch later. The family are expected for tea where my daughter and me will discuss the topics of the day.
The weather is quite benign today, wall to wall grey cloud and a high of 4 or 5 degrees C at least it is dry. We haven’t had any rain now for a few weeks. Hope to go out for a walk tomorrow morning and see how the leg stands up… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
Would that be a ‘Camelia’ Eliza? I guessed with it being in bud and the Ericacious compost.


Good morning from the barometrically compressed skies of Florida.

Here it comes. The historic freeze will commence tomorrow afternoon, so I’ve already been out running and am now joining my neighbors in probably futile efforts to protect the plants that we can. I was a the grocery store yesterday and the shelves are emptying with locals anticipating road closures and power outages since we don’t have any means of treating the roads for freezing rain or the predicted snow later this week.

@Eliza, your writeup of your neighbor’s plumbing was funny. I hope things clear up!

I had a great time lecturing on the Gaia/Theia hypothesis as part of a lecture series on cosmology. A grad student took this the last time I presented this lesson:

Tim to tuck the plants and tress in for the big freeze.

Have a great day!


@OldGreyFox yes its a Camellia, didnt go to the garden centre it was much too cold , so might get it delivered .

@Surfermom got back and I dont think he’s been round , hope you and plants survive the freeze


Lecture on Gaia/Theia thesis? Sounds extremely interesting @Surfermom.
What an exciting job you have. :smiley:

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Hear hear.


Thank you, Rose :blush:. I don’t do it much anymore, but teaching is just about as fun as learning.

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Your teaching definitely sounds much more fun than my teaching English to little 9 yr-olds, a few hours a week. :grin: