Good Morning Saturday, 12th October 2024

Good morning all you happy, chatty chaps and chapesses.

It’s the weekend… Hooray! Pity is is so cold only getting up to 19/20° today, I have my hoodie on as I type.

Cheery BOM has just released a forecast of a hotter, wetter summer with more thunderstorms, cyclones and heat waves. The oceans all round Australia are unusually hot. So that’s something to look forward too.

Monday is also the 22nd Anniversary of the Bali bombing so there are some remembrances going on this weekend. I can’t believe it was over two decades ago!

On those jolly notes I hope you all have a lovely weekend with what ever you have planned.

Enjoy your Saturday…


Good morning!
Dry, cool, overcast

I continue to feel better, so I’m going to Colne this morning, to see a friend who runs the second hand tool stall on the market
There is also a book shop that has a calendar of the local area - Pendle & Bowland; I’ll get some of those to send to friends & relations in USA & Canada
I wanted to do this a few weeks ago but illness delayed me, though I should still have enough time for 2025, even with surface mail
Also buy some food items from the market stalls
And I’ll have breakfast in a local cafe or Wetherspoons

And that’s about it


Morning all – damp start to the day but hopefully it will dry up later

Oh no Bruce how will you manage with such low temperatures!! (Top temp here today is 11c!)

Glad you are feeling better zuludog - onward and upward

Beast behaved again last night but didn’t want to go out. Her regular servants are due back later today – I love the little pest to bits but will be glad when they are back

Gardener arrived yesterday and replaced some plants which had been eaten by slugs in one of the containers – I am surprised at how colourful the remaining planters are despite the heavy rain and cold weather.

Well, proof the universe is against me. Following on from the roof leak, the boiler playing up and the washing machine flooding - pulled the light cord in my bathroom this morning and nothing happened, no lights, no extractor fan! I had to shower in semi-darkness. Still I woke up breathing so that is a plus!

Take care – hope everyone has a better day than I am


Good morning - The Sun is just breaking through on this chilly morning. A good day is forecast. I’ll have to get rid of the remaining outside tomato plant as it is looking decidedly blighted now.

Going to do a bit of exercise today. A few minutes up and down some steps. I don’t like exercising for the sake of it but the legs are starting to get skinny and I ought to make the effort.

Anyway, getting rid of the tomato plant and a bit of other work around the house and garden will be a start.

Have a good day. :slight_smile:


It’s what you are used to I am afraid, anything under 20° is cold for me and if it gets below 10° at night it is freezing. My ideal temperature is about 25° and I am a happy, comfy bunny up to 32/33°, above that less so.

Humidity plays a big roll of course, Australia tends to have low humidity which makes higher temperatures more bearable but makes lower temperatures feel much colder. That doesn’t apply to the tropics - they only have two seasons - wet or dry - the temperature is basically the same but the humidity varies dramatically between seasons,


Just been out with the skyvac to clear the roof gutters as they are getting full of twigs and leaves. thank goodness i have that machine it has save me thousands of pounds getting someone it to do it over the last 10? years


Good morning from (finally) sunny and calm Florida!

We are back home to decompress, run the washer and dryer to exhaustion, and get the yard back in shape. It’s going to be a long road (probably two years) to get the most impacted counties back to normal farther east and south in this state, but it will happen. For all of the negativity out there about people, the response of private citizens in helping out in this recovery has been astounding.

The first night home, we were treated - incredibly - to the aurora borealis, which I had never seen. Though it was just a faint magenta that tinged the whole of the northern sky, it was spectacular! I found out after some research that the pink is indicative of nitrogen being energized. Let’s just say that I was tickled pink :grin:.

After about a two hour shower, I am grabbing the garden implements and getting busy.

Glad you are feeling better, Zulu!

Hope your day is enjoyable!


Good morning/ evening all! It’s a decent 68-degree Fahrenheit! time to start getting outside again. Looking forward to crisp fall for the whole day.

Just finished two pieces of bread with manuka honey! it was great not having the honey drip off :).

Here’s to a good day!


Good to learn that Milton wasn’t as severe as anticipated.
Two hits on west coast Fla., in as many weeks, is more than a fair share.
Sterling the way how locals cope.
Here if Wet Leaf lands on a rail track. Everything stops.
And the Whingers think its Armageddon. :sob:


So pleased you are safe and well Surfermom


I too, am pleased to hear you are safe and well Surfermom, it must have been a worrying time for you all.


It’s good to see you back @Surfermom it has been a very worrying time for you.


I’ve been here for 18 years and I’m still surprised by how cold it can get,I didn’t know low humidity was to blame.We also get blasts of Antarctic wind at some time all year round.


Don’t you live where you get all four seasons in one day? :icon_wink:

The humidity isn’t the cause it just affects how a temperature feels. Australians go to the UK thinking 25° is just warm but forget about the high humidity which makes it stifling

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Glad to hear you came through all that weather unscathed @Surfermom

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Humidity is the beast that rules our part of the world in summer.

Even with the hurricanes are better than most of the midwest where my family lives where the four seasons are - Too Hot, Too Cold, Too Windy, and Too Dry :rofl:

Here in Florida the seasons are - Perfect, Perfect, Horribly Humid, and Hurricane.

We all have our problems :rofl:.

Thank you all most kindly! It’s good to be back :blush: