Good Morning Monday, 22nd April 2024

Good morning all on another lovely sunny day.

No walk this morning, spent the time with a couple of friends, we meet every Monday for few hours, afterwards bought myself Violet Crumble on the way home (like a Crunchie but better)

Was pleased to finish both wheel bearings on my camper yesterday, usually I only do one each day. Noticed that the axle had shifted slightly too so moved that back to its proper place with some judicial hammering.

Have a few minor jobs set down for the arvo, including clearing a path for the electric meter reader they must have complained about the plant growth (can’t do much about the spiders though).

Anyway hope you all have a good day at whatever you are doing.

Take care…


Hi everyone,

Today was a nice cooler day. I’m hoping to get a get a couple of days away soon. Have about 2 more weekends. Next weekend probably will be to service the car.

Potential sites…I’m leaning toward the closer one, Sea Rim state park, although the Guadalupe National park seems more intriguing. Not as feasible logistically drive wise in a weekend.


Here’s to a great week.


I forgot to mention that the electricity company has just started to carry out their ceremonial butchering of the trees. This tea tree now sports a more modern minimalist look.


good morn all


Good morning all,
Nothing of any consequence planned for today. Just going to catch up on various things, there’s always something to catch up on👍

Bruce, ironically that tea tree does actually resemble a tea pot, at least to my mind, the spout being on the left…Earl Grey for me please!

The council here tend to butcher many of the glorious wild plants that grow in certain areas round here which is a shame. Oh well, whinge over, things to catch up on, after coffee of course :wink:

Have a good day forum people :slightly_smiling_face::+1:


Wow, when I first saw the photo I thought it was a centuries-old olive tree, seeing as we have many here. They look very similar. Mine are not that old.
It’s a shame when you see trees attacked in that way :confused: but hopefully this drastic trimming job will improve it’s growth in the near future​:slightly_smiling_face:.


Good morning to everyone, I see there are a few early risers amongst UK members, seeing as you’re one hour behind me. Hope it’s not too cold out there, we’re going through a second Winter, at the moment it’s only 7C. :frowning_face:


Morning all – weather cold, dull and grey (I envy that blue sky Bruce!)

Yesterday was quiet, did some ironing and started a new book. Problem is once I start reading I am lost for hours and have been known to read an entire book in one sitting!! :closed_book:

Today’s plan is to meet with one of my sisters-in-law (I have many!) for lunch. Her husband (my late husband’s brother) has been unwell so I think she is in need of some cheering up and distraction.

Is there any hope for me? I need to take medication every morning and as I have problems swallowing pills usually take them with my breakfast, been doing this for years so almost second nature now. This morning clearing away after breakfast and there were the pills sitting next to my plate! :blush:

If I stop posting you will know I have been booked into the nearest home for the bewildered! :icon_confused:

Take care – hope everyone has a lovely day


That looks stunning!!


It’s a type of gum tree called Melaleuca that one is a paper bark as well as a tea tree, You wouldn’t drink the oil it produces though but it is supposed to be an antiseptic and good for your skin.

To be honest I am not fond of Earl Grey, never know whether I should drink it or dab it behind my ears

A friend of mine visited from the UK during the Millennium drought, one of things she said she was looking forward to when she returned was seeing clouds. (that was an exceptional drought though it went on for a decade)


Hence tea tree oil…of course!:+1:

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Morning/afternoon everyone (i haven’t just woken up by the way!) What a damp day it is so far here in middle England.

If the rain stops any time soon, i’m out with my fork and shovel, but if not it will have to be some indoor pursuits instead.

Hope your day is drier than my own at the moment.
Take care all.

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Something strange happens if you keep a £10 note under water for 5 minutes. Guess what it is