Good Morning to everybody especially our American friends who get their new President today (I think)
The sun is shining brightly this morning, the temperature is going to be a lovely mid 20s and all is well with the world.
My coffee and cake morning with friends has restarted now that all of us have returned from our Christmas sojourn
I have three loads of washing on the line after all the bad weather we have had - to be fair only one load was my clothing, one the bedding from my visitors and one a doona where a grandson’s nose bleed had got through the cover. Love my new washing machine.
Will mow the lawn this arvo, the grass should be dry enough by then.
Morning all – yes another grey dull day – although we are being promised some sun for later
Coffee and cake with friends Bruce - can’t beat it!
Neighbours invited me in for coffee yesterday afternoon and, as I suspected, the Beast completely ignored me!
Feeling a lot better this morning – until local radio told me today is Blue Monday, the day in January when people are most likely to be depressed!! Apparently a combination of being in debt after Christmas, breaking New Year’s Resolutions and the cold weather!
Only plans for today are some shopping this morning and the cleaner is due this afternoon. She is a lovely lady and works hard but I do feel uncomfortable having someone working in the house, still no doubt I will get used to it.
Plenty of breaks in the cloud this morning so we might see the sun. It’s only 4 degrees C though and a bit chilly. I’m off for a walk down to the surgery to put in a prescription, I look forward to the walk, then I’m meeting an old friend at a cafe for some lunch and a catch up…
Passed by our golf course and saw some players - in January! I thought this would only be possible in Cornwall and Devon. The world is out of joint, today more than ever.
In a perfect world, we would all eat cake with friends (Bruce) and go for a bike ride (Dachs), followed by.a cafe lunch with another friend (OGF), while someone cleaned up our house (Sheila).