Good Morning Friday, 27th December 2024

I’m here !! I’m the grumpy old Scotsman ! What can I tell you…I’m fairly well travelled because of my job. That included a trip to Atlanta, Georgia where I met my wife. Now we live in South Yorkshire and are settled here.

How about yourself ? English but where? I’m not sure you live - just roughly. Kids? What was your job? I don’t mean to be nosey, just being sociable.

hello was out walking back now
widower 70
live in Newquay cornwall
Niece gave me her old lap top to cheer me up after the wife pasted

Been exploring the internet was told about this site
so i gave it a go
Was in construction all my life
home building

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Hi Jimmy
I like this forum and its social activity. My field was industrial electrical engineering which is why all the travelling.

I’m glad that your niece got your laptop - enjoy it!

And yes, I’m so sorry your wife passed away.