Good Morning Friday, 27th December 2024

Good Morning Everyone… :039:
Had a nice 8 mile bike ride yesterday although with the thick fog I couldn’t see further than 50 yards. Bum ached a bit after Tuesday’s ride, but the saddle always takes a bit of getting used to when you haven’t ridden for a while. I encountered a stranded rider while returning home, so I stopped to see if I could help but the rear wheel cassette had failed, so the problem was terminal. After having a nag for a few minutes, and happy that help was on it’s way, I wished her happy new year and set off for home. Apparently she was half way round a 59 mile ride…
With a rest day coming up tomorrow I have decided to go out again today and I’m just waiting for the fog to lift and the sun to come out…
It doesn’t look like either of those things will be happening anytime soon, so I’m off now…


Very foggy (50 yards) again this morning and very damp. Eight miles completed but I hadn’t properly recovered from yesterday and it was hard work. Perhaps consecutive days of riding is not a good idea, but rest day tomorrow…


Good morning from the hazy gray skies of Florida!

There is a line of storms marching in from the west, but until then we are under a blanket of cumulostatus clouds keeping the temperatures mild.

I am shipping a few paintings today and headed out to the beach for a long run. The moisture in the air helps pack down the sand to provide a firm running surface and the marine layer that is hanging around offers a cool and eerie feeling. The dogs love it.

@Bruce I nearly fell over when I saw your post. The one and only vice I have, and the single most important Australian export is Bundaberg diet ginger beer :smiley:. I order about three or four four-packs every year to enjoy on special summer evenings. I know I am not exactly propping up the Australian economy, but it’s expensive enough that it feels decadent. Good stuff!

@OGF, a few weeks back on that bike and it will be easy again. Do you keep cycling records in the same way you do with running :biking_man:? I consider cycling to be a form of warm up, cool down, or recreation, so I have no idea what my mileage is for the year.

I hope you feel better quickly, @SheilaP and that the rest of you stay cool…or warm as the case may be!

Have a nice day!


Good afternoon all, it’s another weekend but this whole week has seemed like one long weekend, hasn’t it? :grin:
The cold weather’s subsiding a little bit, at least today, at lunchtime we reached 12C, still not much sunshine around, though. :neutral_face:
I really admire you runners and bikers @OldGreyFox and @Surfermom, I can just about manage about 20 minutes on my excercise bike at home, about two/three times a week. :grin:

Enjoy the rest of the day forum friends.


It should get cheaper as our dollar plummets (down to US62c). At Christmas I buy a couple of 10 packs of the Spiced Ginger Beer (it’s all I can carry :frowning_face: ) This year we bought 5 packs because I was with my daughter, two for me, one for Christmas Day, two for my son in law, he loves them too.

what a lovely photo your a good photographer.
Jimmy 70 in the UK how are you today.
Near to a New Year, they fly by so quickly.
Wish were in a warm country like you are raining and cold here in Cornwall
New Here to
Recent widower. Trying to get out of my depression slump!
Talked into chat forums. Giving it a go.
Regards Jim


Hello Jim 70 in the UK also
New here today.
Love to have a chat some time
Widower trying to get out of the blues!
Regards Jimmy


Welcome to the forum Jimmy, enjoy your time here, it is a lot of fun.


Welcome Jim, good to see you, if it’s good friends and scintillating conversation you want, you’ve come to the right place…Look forward to reading you…


welcome Jim , just join in any of the threads theres plenty to chose from .


I started off using the bike when I was injured from running back in the eighties. Like you, it was more recreational, but I realised that just like running I favoured long distance and I thought it needed documenting. So all of my rides over 20 miles got a mention. Some rides were in the sixty and seventy miles, with a couple over 100 miles in one day.
These days they are well documented with distance/time/route and comments, and are classed as exercise but are rarely over twenty miles now.

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Good Day all
first day on the site just had a walk along the prom.
Windy and cold huge waves coming into the beach.Watched a chap walking his dog hat flew off right down the beach, so he and his dog took off after it.
Luckily a beach runner got it and gave to the chap who quicky shoved it in his pocket LOL. and continued on there brisk beach walk with a HAPPY DOG.


Hello @Jimmy.222, welcome to this very friendly forum. :smiley:

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Good afternoon Mr Jimmy !
Cold and foggy here but we walk the dog then we called in for a chat with our neighbour - she is in a wheel chair so doesn’t get out. Then another friend popped in here and brought flowers and sat for a while. The thing is we are lucky with quiet street and sociable friends.

Hello and welcome @Jimmy.222 you’ve found a fun and friendly forum :slight_smile:


Hello Jimmy, a warm welcome to Over50s… :slightly_smiling_face:

thank you for the welcome
very quiet on this site lol
i think i am the only one here

I’m here !! I’m the grumpy old Scotsman ! What can I tell you…I’m fairly well travelled because of my job. That included a trip to Atlanta, Georgia where I met my wife. Now we live in South Yorkshire and are settled here.

How about yourself ? English but where? I’m not sure you live - just roughly. Kids? What was your job? I don’t mean to be nosey, just being sociable.

hello was out walking back now
widower 70
live in Newquay cornwall
Niece gave me her old lap top to cheer me up after the wife pasted

Been exploring the internet was told about this site
so i gave it a go
Was in construction all my life
home building

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Hi Jimmy
I like this forum and its social activity. My field was industrial electrical engineering which is why all the travelling.

I’m glad that your niece got your laptop - enjoy it!

And yes, I’m so sorry your wife passed away.