Good Morning Friday 26th July 2024

Good morning happy people, another lovely winter’s morning.

Went to my PO Box early to pick up a package, just an el cheapo 12v submersible pump. I now have two, one for water and one for diesel. I will use this one when travelling to transfer fuel from a jerry can into my fuel tank, 20 litres is getting a bit much to lift, tilt and hold these days. The other I use to pump water into my electric jug or kettle when travelling…

Cut off the poor quality battery connectors and fitted a lighter plug, just have to go to Bunnings for some suitable hose. For less than $15 each (£7.50) they are good value in my opinion especially with 3 metres of cord and a switch.

Making use of the fine weather I also got some laundry done but apart from that am having a quiet day. Later I might investigate the aux AGM battery in my car that runs the fridge, it is eight years old but perhaps is getting to the end of its useful life - not sure yet.

Anyway I hope that you have lots of exciting things to do today, keep up the good work :grin: What do you have planned?


Morning all – sunny start to the day, although cloud forecast for later (of course it is!)

Well, Bruce, that all sounds very interesting – but I am ashamed to admit I didn’t understand a word! :icon_redface:

I usually spend an hour in the morning reading various newspapers on line but now most news outlets I read have unfortunately joined the majority of papers behind a paywall or you have to give them permission to collect all sorts of private information and pass on to their “partners” – wonder if they are aware of the phrase “fat chance”! :018:

Meet up with friends went well yesterday, we meet at the local community centre which puts on free coffee and cake every Thursday morning for a couple of hours – why are we always the last to leave I wonder? This week the volunteers were packing up the tables and chairs around us and we were still chatting

Later in the afternoon my sister in law called in. Her husband was doing a bit of d-i-y and was making such a mess she said she had to leave the house before she killed him. I managed to calm her down with a couple of glasses of wine and we spent a few hours putting the world to rights. :wine_glass: I just hope her husband survived the night!

Plans for today include laundry and housework (I can barely contain my excitement!)

Take care – have a lovely day


Morning everyone…Just a quick chapter this morning as we are off with some friends to a garden centre just outside York. They do a delicious Gammon steak lunch with all the trimmings… :yum:
Then to the Vanguard Centre up the road. It used to have a massive M&S, A Next, and a John Lewis, but they shut John Lewis down… :frowning_face:
No matter, it was a bit expensive and all my clothes come from M&S anyway since Debenhams closed.
Lovely and warm outside 20 degrees C with fluffy white clouds rushing across the sky…Must be windy up there, not down here though when I went out for my early morning walk/jog.
I’m getting some black looks off Mrs Fox now, wondering why I am still sat at my computer in my underwear…“Cos I don’t want to get my shorts all creased up dear”… :roll_eyes:


for those who like walking


Good morning - First thing was picking up our Son and Daughter from the garage. The Daughter’s car had to be there before 9.00 a.m. for the EOLYS problem to be sorted out (Daughter paying).

I took them from there to a local train station where a temporary bus service is running taking people to and from the Airshow. I expect I’ll be picking them up from there when it’s over.

In the meantime, I’ll have to go and pick up the key for the car and pay the garage. The car will be parked out front for driving away when our Daughter gets back…

Mrs mart and I will be walking past the garage this afternoon anyway. Mrs mart is due for a blood test. The plan is to pick up the car key and pay for the repair either on the way there or back.

Life gets complicated sometimes - Have a good day. :slight_smile:


Good morning everyone - it’s another lovely sunny day here too. It was getting quite warm when I had my walk with Annie dog so I think by this afternoon it could be even hotter. I want to do some weeding and snipping in the garden today so will have to choose the shady bits to do that I think. Those weeds just will not stop growing. I am also well into my book which has just reached an exciting part so if it is too hot to garden then the book is my next option - or it might the option I choose anyway! :open_book:

Enjoy your lunch in York and your wander around the shops OGF, it’s a nice day for it.

Happy Friday.


well I see the French railway has been sabatagued by attacking lineside cables in different parts of the country. For all their secuity measures in and around Paris I can’t see how this could be pevented. Up to now none have claimed doing it, so what was the point?
It is not just trying to ruin the games but thousands of people who have worked hard and going on holiday anyway that it has affected. Not just in France but over here as well going on the Eurostar train service .
Sue and I will very shortly be on our fly/cruise to Portugal so hopefully nothing happens to prevent it.

so for those totally uninterested this is where we are going

Douro Explorer | Portugal River Cruise | Saga River Cruises.

We have or I should say Sue is fantastic at money saving due to her purse being locked up tighter than Fort Knox.


Good morning from the land of barking dogs.

There is much running around among the forum this morning, and it seems and a nice summer day for it. That is a clever pump, @Bruce. I didn’t know they made them so small. You seem to be a master at all things electrical, while I am - a rock.

My daughter and I took the kayaks out this morning before the tides made too much work of it, and we had a fine time exploring the little coves. The highlight was green heron, rare in this area, who perched on the dock long enough to ensure that we weren’t disturbing the marsh grasses.

Now it is back to odds and ends around the house and a date with Excel spreadsheets.

Good luck with the driving, lunching, gardening, reading, and DIY’ing today!


A lovely Friday to all :smiley:

“Happy Friday! In the symphony of life, Friday is the crescendo that elevates the spirit. Let the weekend melody play, and dance to the rhythm of joy and relaxation.”-----unknown

Have a safe and joyful Friday :smiley:


I was in electronics in the 1960/70s and spent 30 years in the power industry though most of my knowledge is well out dated (I was a whiz with a valve tester) even transistors are new fangled devices to me, never mind ICs.

However I can still solder (or “sodder” as you Americans say :icon_wink: ) but these days I often need a magnifier’s help.

I envy your kayaking, I was about to take it up on Lake Illawarra when I needed my first back operation and it became impossible for me

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Aha! I suspected you had a solid background in the field. All your improvements and projects seem to be intuitive, and now I know why.

Ha yes, we do pronounce it “sodder” though I have no reason why.

Beautiful bay. It it brackish? Why is it called a lake? Was it once closed off from the Pacific? Questions, questions. I am sure it offers all sorts of outdoor activities!

It has always been a coastal salt lake but the entrance used to open and close with the water level in the lake. in 2007 the entrance was opened permanently, it has had mixed results. Sea grass has died, scouring at the entrance, prawn harvest has been reduced dramatically, water quality is better and there is less flooding

There are a lot of such coastal lakes up and down the east coast, some are managed well some badly. Being in the midst of safe Labor seats neither Labor nor the Coalition has any incentive to spend money on the lake.