Good Morning 20th April 2024

Good Morning all.

I learned that today is Betty Cuthbert’s birthday. During her career, she set world records for 60 metres, 100 yards, 200 metres, 220 yards and 440 yards. Cuthbert also contributed to Australian relay teams completing a win in the 4 × 100 metres, 4 × 110 yards, 4 × 200 metres and 4 × 220 yards. Sadly she died a few years ago from MS.

It rained overnight, the ground was still wet and the sky overcast when I went for my walk. Quite cold too, only getting up to 19°. I didn’t venture too far from home, chose a hilly suburban route but called in at the supermarket on the way back to get milk (my grandkids drank most of my three litre bottle yesterday).

One of the streets had attracted a flock of Corellas

I don’t know what they were after but something attracted them. I didn’t want to get too close to scare them off.

Anyway I am having a rethink about my holiday later in the year and might bring it forward. It’s just a thought bubble at the moment.

Hope you have better weather than me. Take care.


Hi everyone,

After a week of a lot of ice cream cups, and eating whatever I felt like, I’m finally coming around the bend. I think sleeping 4 hours right after work helped. Sleep gives perspective at least for me :).

Bruce, the photos are super cool, as usual. I like the birds, have not seen that type of white birds in a flock like that before. Does holiday mean vacation? I’m planning to start packing mini vacations soon, but with the summer weather hover over 100, its kind of harder to make weekend plans.

Life is strange at times. The curve balls seem to knock harder as I’m aging, however game plan is still to get back up and try to push to the next turn.

Have a good weekend all. Going to make the best of my 4 hour power nap! :smiley:


Good morning all,
Gosh, Isn’t life complicated!:slightly_smiling_face:
The plan for today has been revised, Three Bridges FC are in the playoffs and my son seriously wants to go and watch the game, so do I :+1:

Hopefully an old friend and workmate from The Royal Mail will be going along too, we’ll have a couple of drinks in the clubhouse and catch up on old times, wouldn’t be surprised if we bump into one or two other old faces from the locality.

The trip to Brighton is postponed until the end of next week… something else to look forward to! :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

Have a good day forum people!


Morning all - bright sunshine this morning and feels warm although temperatures are only forecast to reach 13c

Expecting a parcel today - more books! Also the carpenter is due to arrive with a wood sample to ensure it matches my existing furniture. Nothing else planned for today except to change the bedding and laundry (oh joy!)

Sister in law called in yesterday - had a catch up and she mentioned she was looking for a good quality cutlery set, told her I had a set she could have - we used to give a lot of dinner parties but I haven’t used it for years and she was delighted to have it! She and her husband are off for 4 weeks today, I think she is happy to be getting away as her son has just split from a long term girlfriend and has spent the last couple of weeks crying on her shoulder!

Daily Beastie report: She once again left me a little gift in the cloakroom. Her regular servants are due back today - their plane lands at 3 pm which means they should be home by 5.30/6.00pm. Beastie refused to go out this morning despite the sunshine so I will have to go back in later to see if I can persuade her otherwise I will have another little gift to clear up before they arrive home!

Take care - have a great day


Good morning all :slight_smile: Have a relaxing weekend :slight_smile:


At a dance the other day I asked a girl if she knew the dance called the “turkey trot” , she said she didn’t and asked about it. I said “well we go outside for a quick gobble” :rofl:


Hi all, hope everyone has a great day today. Weather here in midlands is gorgeous, and i am raring to go!
Looking forward to the London marathon this weekend (watching, not competing!)



There are a lot of videos on youtube and tictoc and other platforms which are quiet acceptable .
Yet on here apparently not so. Maybe because I am more broad minded? and I don’t take things too seriously. One cannot just get cocooned in ones own world and ignore what is generally accepted by most other people.
Life is for living and enjoying what ever it throws at you, not having a negative opinion because one doesn’t accept it.
When one has travelled the world as much as my wife and I have, from seeing the desperately poor in Brazil to the well off in other countries really opens ones eyes. I actually feel sorry for those who can’t see past their garden gate, they are missing so much.

Having come through a serious hospital episode where it was touch and go If I pulled through it made made me realise how valuable each day is . If I can pass on a little lighthearteness to others, hopefully that will make their day a little brighter as well

Just my opinion and no doubt some sort of objection to this post will be raised yet again

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Yes same thing, though having a holiday when you are retired might be considered an oxymoron.

What are you talking about? I can’t see any objection being made to your videos or pictures. Why would anyone object to a picture of flowers from the most photographed garden in Bexhill? Keep 'em coming, we need more rhinos too.

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Sometimes I type without thinking. Holiday makes perfect sense. Kind of like a break from the norm.

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It’s about 2:30 hours from 4/21/2024 and the first time ever that I’ve had to shut off the sound of SNL.
Drag Queens, Trans ETC. I don’t find it funny!

I always thought SNL political skits were hilarious, however for the most part, I have not followed SNL since the church lady days.

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What’s SNL?

Saturday Night Live - TV show that comes on Saturday evenings.

Its been on for as long as I can recall. It seems to be something where one likes it or just ok type of things. Its just been ok for me except for political skits.

You tube selections:

SNL best church lady - YouTube

Church lady use to be cool then got a little excessive.

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