Many thanks indeed for your long post. I originally went to the dentist because my gums were bleeding when I brushed and it was dark red blood. I have had gum disease for a few years now.
The dentist said the reason why I bleed so much is that the wisdom tooth has lost all its bone and is at an angle, so best to get it removed. I have been with this practice for well over 5 years now and no mention of this has been made before. I find it awkward to reach the back of my teeth with both the manual and electrical brush.
I see both the dentist and hygenist every time I go, and the hygenist has advised to use very small interdental brushes which can go between the teeth.
Do you think I should go for a 2nd opinion on whether or not I should have that wisdom tooth removed?
Have you ever had a bone density scan? At age 50, a scan revealed I had severe osteoporosis. Fortunately my GP ordered a blood test which revealed I had a huge amount of calcium in my blood. This is hyperparathyroidism where a tumour on the parathyroid gland(s) causes calcium to be extracted from the body. I had terrible issues with extremely painful abscesses from my 20’s to my 50’s and was told the hyperparathyroidism could have been the cause.
I suppose if you think about it logically, the fact no mention has been made before about it’s removal, both gum disease and lack of proper cleaning (because you find it awkward to reach) is probably why the question of it’s removal has come up now. It’s sounds as if it’s ‘at the end of it’s sell by date’ and might get to the point where things get so bad extraction will be the only option anyway. It will be an ongoing problem, which in turn will be affecting your overall oral health.
If you feel you don’t trust your dentist’s opinion and If you’re prepared to pay and can afford long term treatment with a private dentist who specialises in periodontal disease and bone loss maybe that’s the way for you to go . They will do everything possible to save your teeth and gums - but will cost you thousands.
I think you should go with what your heart, or is it head, tells you to do. But also take on board, if you go seeking 2nd or 3rd opinions, you might risk losing your present (I’m assuming) NHS dentist, who seem to be like gold dust. You might might end up without one and end up paying vast sums privately for what you receive now on the NHS for far less. If it ends up the only option is removal, you could have saved your money by staying with your present NHS dentist and accepting his opinion.
Decisions, decisions!
Hope some of the above may be of help in your decision making.
Edited to Add… for some reason this reply has gone to Lindyloo instead of Geek and I can’t alter it.
Thanks Pesta - I don’t know why it came to me either, but can I add a possible solution?
Firstly: Confidentiality exists between dentists as well as doctors.
Secondly: Seeking a second opinion may add other options and by not addressing the problem you may find it applies to other teeth in the future.
Thirdly: The cost of a private dentist: You should ask the cost of an initial consultation - probably around £150 - £175. If you go ahead with that you could consider a “Health Cash Plan”. I have one with Westfield Health which costs me £21.65 per month which allows me to claim back £120 per year on dental fees as well as very very many other costs. Their plans and fees are on:Health cash plan - from £7.20 per month | Westfield Health
Mine are always done at the hospital Lindyloo. But, maybe it’s different in different locations, or why it’s needed.
Anyway, we know it’s not the dentist one asks