Geronimo disease free!

If he’d been tested previously and was shown to be positive (which is the reason for killing him) then why now are they saying he was negative?

They aren’t @ruthio , see the links poster earlier.

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Thankyou, yes looking back I see, I was going by the thread title

It’s okay.
There is quite a bit to wade through after all.

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I already showed you.
It might be nice if you got off your high horse and rested your legs awhile.

It might be nice for other visitors if - instead of bickering and trying to pick a fight - you acted in an adult manner and discussed the topic instead.
Have a good day.

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I was NOT trying to pick a fight with you or anyone else, and neither do I care for the way you talk down to others for no reason. We used to call it manners once.
So you have a good day too.

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