First reading book at school

Blimey, you’ve all got wonderful memories, I’ve absolutely no idea what books we had at primary school :surprised:

First i can remember, “the call of the wild”

Yes, I remember people, not Books.

I started school in 1959 and I distinctly remember Janet and John books. I seem to remember that I quite enjoyed them.

A few years on and I graduated to books such as Parade and Mayfair, although these were not part of the recommended reading list.

I was born in 1950, so presumably I started primary school in 1955, but I don’t remember Dick & Dora or Janet & John
In fact I don’t remember much in the way of books from primary school but I do remember books while I was at primary school.

I used to go to the children’s section of the library and pick out Arthur Ransome’s books like Swallows & Amazons as I recognised them by their distinctive covers

I also remember that my parents got me a big cartoon book of Fudge and Speck. Does anyone remember them?

No wonder you are so clever JBR what with all that extra reading day & night. :lol:

It was Janet & John for me too. Do you remember how good it felt when you moved up to the next level?

Yes, and of course I only read them for the interesting and thought-provoking articles.

Of course.

I remember those happy venture readers.I had a great collection of them until a few years ago.

Think I probably just read the grafitti on the walls till I was about 10. :smiley: