First match of the 2024/25 Cricket season played today

I travelled all the way to Breckler Park, Dianella, a total distance of 1.8km - 1.1 miles.
There were two 20 over T20 matches played consecutively.
Mt Lawley verses Subiaco-Floreat
There was one sinuous cloud above, for about 15 minutes so there was much relief rain would not spoil the day.

The bowlers had the upper hand early on in the match.

The crowd was patiently waiting for the inevitable increase in the run rate.

Mt Lawley won both games.
A great day of exciting cricket from 9am until 4.15pm at no monetary cost.


On February 4, 2025, the Guwahati Premier League T20 featured two matches: River Rine Club vs. 91 Yard Club, and Bokakhat Town Cricket Club vs. BDMTCC, both held at Judges Field, Guwahati.

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Welcome to the forum Zarina.
Do you support one of the teams mentioned?

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Just under two months until leather hits willow here.

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