First Day Out Since the Lockdown

On Saturday my youngest son visited, he sails today for a trip taking in Brisbane, Burnie, Hobart, Adelaide and Jervis Bay until early December. It was only my second visitor since lockdown began 117 days ago (but who’s counting?)

In the evening we had decided to go to the local Leagues Club for a meal. Probably because it was Saturday and the first weekend since lockdown restrictions were eased it appears that everybody had the same idea so the earliest booking I could get was 7.45pm.

It was all so interesting, normally they have a security person checking membership cards when you arrive but this time there was a veritable army of people, some checking that you checked in with the Service NSW app and that you had your vaccination certificate, some helping people without phones to sign in, only then did you get to someone who actually checked you were a member. I have to say they were all very nice, efficient and helpful about it.

Moving into the body of the club all the bars had spots marked where you could stand to queue for drinks though you were hard done by if there was one person in front of you. Under current rules you cannot drink standing but must be seated.

At the entrance to the restaurant/bistro there was a table where you were checked in, They asked you to keep your mask on while moving about but told you that you could take them off while seated, the girl then took us to our seat, gave us our cutlery, a sterilised menu and told us that someone would come along to take our order. Oh yes card only payment too. Every table was in use but they were well spaced.

After about 5/10 minutes, when we had got our drinks a girl appeared with an iPad and a wireless card machine to take our order which she duly entered on her iPad and we used her machine to pay with my card (contactless).

I have to say that the prices have definitely gone up after 3 months of being closed, we had grilled Barramundi, Steak, garlic bread and salt and pepper calamari, which came to $74 (37 pounds), six months ago it would have been less than $60.

It was so good to be out again after so long, the covid procedures were handled very smoothly. I would imagine on a week night they would be very quick.

I think we have reached 80% vaccination so the rules have changed again by the 1st November there will be few rules other than spacing, checking in and number restrictions - at the moment I am not allowed more than 20 people at my home though I doubt I knw 20 people to invite.

My kids and grandkids in the ACT are still out of reach as I am not allowed to travel there yet.

BTW my son’s trip was supposed to be to Perth to meet up with a sister ship and take part in Operation Dugong however it was felt that taking the ship across the Great Australian Bight was a bit of a risk (it keeps breaking down) so they are keeping it on the east coast. Ya gotta laugh


No food pictures. Disappoint. (just kidding)

Glad you had a nice night out. :slight_smile:

Happy days Bruce, we’ve done all that here but things are easier now, hope it continues for you all. :blush:

Freedom of a sort at last Bruce…I’m glad you had a good time…prices have gone up here too

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come west young fella come west its all milk and honey!

No thanks I prefer my beer :wink:

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What a wonderful feeling that must have been, Bruce.

Long may it continue for you. :crossed_fingers: