Favourite Pop Punk Tunes

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And here’s Pete Murphy the lead singer doing a tape advert…

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Probably been mentioned however my favorite hands down The Clash - London Calling.

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My favourite pop punk tune? That is so easy,

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Is this punk I don’t know.It’s not a genre I really took to.

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My brother in arms

huh ???

It’s not a genre I really took to.

:slight_smile: I haven’t been up long.I’ll go and make a cup of tea.

Don’t post until you’ve had your brew then. I meant to say you’re my brother in arms because pop punk isn’t a genre I really fancy either….

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The ‘best’ version.

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Remember Valentino Rossi being interviewed few years back saying this was a song he played for psyching himself up just before a race

brilliant tune

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New wave

2nd wave punk of punk, still going…

Best band for etching on desks, bags and backs